作者:(美國)本傑明·威剋 (Benjamin Wiker) 譯者:王璽
Benjamin Wiker(本傑明·威剋),博士學位,畢業於範德比爾特大學,並在馬凱特大學(Marquette University)、聖瑪麗大學(St.Mary's University)、托馬斯阿奎那斯學院(Thomas Aquinas College)與方濟各會大學(Franciscan University)任教。此外,他的著作還包括:A Meaningful World:How the Arts and Sciences Reveal the Genius of Nature(《意義非凡的世界:藝術與科學下的自然之天賦》)等。目前與傢人住在俄亥俄州。
You've heard of the "Great Books"?These are their evil opposites. From Machiavelli's The Prince to Karl Marx's Communist Manifesto to Alfred Kinsey's Sexual Behavior in the Human Male, these "influential" books have led to war, genocide, totalitarian oppression, family breakdown, and disastrous social experiments. And yet these authors' bad ideas are still popular and pervasive-in fact, they might influence your own thinking without your realizing it. Here with the antidote is Professor Benjamin Wiker. In his scintillating new book, 10 Books That Screwed Up the World: And 5 Others That Didn't Help, he seizes each of these evil books by its malignant heart and exposes it to the light of day. In this witty, learned, and provocative expose, you'll learn: -Why Machiavelli's The Prince was the inspiration for a long list of tyrannies (Stalin had it on his nightstand)-How Descartes's Discourse on Method "proved" God's existence o
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評分內容很有震撼性,對於真正喜愛思想的讀者, 我選擇3 的評價,實際是感覺這樣一個中性的平衡點是作者追求的; 因為很可能有很多讀者會評 1 另外很多會評5, 而1 與5 的評價會依賴評價者的已有價值體係, 而客觀的評價還是(1+5)/2 更加的適閤。 作者為一虔誠的信教者,通過...
評分內容很有震撼性,對於真正喜愛思想的讀者, 我選擇3 的評價,實際是感覺這樣一個中性的平衡點是作者追求的; 因為很可能有很多讀者會評 1 另外很多會評5, 而1 與5 的評價會依賴評價者的已有價值體係, 而客觀的評價還是(1+5)/2 更加的適閤。 作者為一虔誠的信教者,通過...
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