Peter Berger is University Professor of Sociology and Theology at Boston University, he is known all over the world for his work in sociology, including the sociology of religion. He has taught at the New School for Social Research, at Rutgers University, and at Boston College. Grace Davie holds a personal chair in the Sociology of Religion at the University of Exeter. Effie Fokas gained her Ph D from the London School of Economics in 2004. She is currently working as a research assistant at the University of Exeter.
Europe is a relatively secular part of the world in global terms. Why is this so? And why is the situation in Europe so different from that in the United States? These are the key questions considered in this book; key questions (the theme) clearly articulated in the first chapter.Subsequent chapters explore the nature of Eurosecularity in more detail (the variations on the theme) - paying attention to its historical, philosophical and institutional dimensions. They also ask how the question of Eurosecularity is related to social difference (class, ethnicity etc.). In each chapter, the similarities and differences with the American case will be carefully examined. The final chapter explores the ways in which these features translate into policy on both sides of the Atlantic. This book is highly topical and relates very directly to the tensions between Europe and America in the present period.
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文 | 盧雲峰 (《讀書》2016年3期) 宗教美國,世俗歐洲 這是一個祛魅的時代,也是一個復魅的時代。當基督教在歐洲花果飄零之際,它在美國卻枝繁葉茂,欣欣嚮榮。這讓學者感到睏惑:現代性究竟是宗教的墓地還是沃土? 四十年前,大多數社會學傢並沒有上述的睏惑,他們堅...
評分宗教變奏中的現代歐美社會 文/嚴傑夫 今天,當我們談起宗教與世俗之間的爭辯時,總是無法迴避155年前的那場“牛津大辯論”。那場辯論圍繞達爾文的《進化論》,追問的則是人類究竟是由上帝創造,還是由人猿進化而來。 迴頭來看,這場大辯論或許可被看作是中世紀和現代社會間的...
評分文| 楊鳳崗 (《讀書》2016年7月號第159-168頁) 歐洲和美國都是發達的現代社會,這個判斷應該是毫無疑義的。但在宗教現象上,歐美的反差令人驚奇:在現代化瞭的歐洲,宗教日趨衰落;在現代化瞭的美國,宗教卻很興旺。從法國的托剋維爾到德國的韋伯,訪美的歐洲學者對於美國...
評分宗教變奏中的現代歐美社會 文/嚴傑夫 今天,當我們談起宗教與世俗之間的爭辯時,總是無法迴避155年前的那場“牛津大辯論”。那場辯論圍繞達爾文的《進化論》,追問的則是人類究竟是由上帝創造,還是由人猿進化而來。 迴頭來看,這場大辯論或許可被看作是中世紀和現代社會間的...
圖書標籤: 宗教社會學 宗教
評分an in-depth yet lay person friendly analysis of religion in America and Europe. analyzes the issue from 4 aspects: history, (academic) elites, institution and other social differences such as age and gender. It seems pro-religion based on its word choice and its conclusion. Generally speaking, it's a good read.
評分an in-depth yet lay person friendly analysis of religion in America and Europe. analyzes the issue from 4 aspects: history, (academic) elites, institution and other social differences such as age and gender. It seems pro-religion based on its word choice and its conclusion. Generally speaking, it's a good read.
評分Steve Bruce的評論挺有用:可以不從塗爾幹二分法的角度來看西歐、美國在宗教信仰上的不同錶現(機製,功能,等等),而查看信仰內容的改變?
評分an in-depth yet lay person friendly analysis of religion in America and Europe. analyzes the issue from 4 aspects: history, (academic) elites, institution and other social differences such as age and gender. It seems pro-religion based on its word choice and its conclusion. Generally speaking, it's a good read.
Religious America, Secular Europe? 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載