托比.弗羅斯特(Toby Frost)
除“史密斯船長大事記 ”之外,托比還創作瞭其他多部作品,如“史揣肯”係列、《頂尖》《小惡魔》等。
Tea . . . a beverage brewed from the fermented dried leaves of the shrub "Camelli sinensis "and imbibed by all the great civilizations in the galaxy's history; a source of refreshment, stimulation, and, above all else, of moral fiber"--"without which the British Space Empire must surely crumble to leave Earth at the mercy of its enemies. Sixty percent of the Empire's tea is grown on one world--Urn, principal planet of the Didcot system. If Earth is to keep fighting, the tea must flow When a crazed cult leader overthrows the government of Urn, Isambard Smith and his vaguely competent crew find themselves saddled with new allies--a legion of tea-obsessed nomads, an overly-civilized alien horde. and a commando unit so elite that it has only five members. Only together can they defeat the self-proclaimed God Emperor of Didcot and confront the true power behind the coup--the sinister legions of the Ghast Empire and Smith's old enemy, Commander 462.
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日前, 英國太空歌劇式科幻代錶作傢托比·弗羅斯特所著《史密斯船長大事記》係列,已經由北京理工大學齣版社齣版,並於近日在國內首度上市。《史密斯船長大事記》分為六冊,以船長史密斯及三名船員的視角,講述瞭一個又一個驚心動魄的太空冒險故事。托比的小說在風格和質量上與...
評分《史密斯船長大事記》來到第二部《迪德科特的神皇》,事情變得嚴峻起來。 一方麵是主角們的身份從第一部的雜牌軍,變成瞭反派陣型的眼中釘,針對性的打擊接連不斷,讓他們在多次戰鬥中都不同程度地掛瞭彩。作為讀者的我,也不再像讀前一部那樣心安理得地享受他們開掛般的冒險,...
評分日前, 英國太空歌劇式科幻代錶作傢托比·弗羅斯特所著《史密斯船長大事記》係列,已經由北京理工大學齣版社齣版,並於近日在國內首度上市。《史密斯船長大事記》分為六冊,以船長史密斯及三名船員的視角,講述瞭一個又一個驚心動魄的太空冒險故事。托比的小說在風格和質量上與...
評分日前, 英國太空歌劇式科幻代錶作傢托比·弗羅斯特所著《史密斯船長大事記》係列,已經由北京理工大學齣版社齣版,並於近日在國內首度上市。《史密斯船長大事記》分為六冊,以船長史密斯及三名船員的視角,講述瞭一個又一個驚心動魄的太空冒險故事。托比的小說在風格和質量上與...
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