弗兰克·迈考特(Frank McCourt)美国著名作家,教师,普利策文学奖获得者。主要作品有《安琪拉的灰烬》、《就是这儿》、《教书匠》等。
'Tis 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
读到母亲安琪拉年迈独居,寂寞时坐在繁华的街市,和一个流浪的女人说话,带她回家,安排她食宿,落下泪来。 这个细节在厚厚的一本小说中非常不起眼,甚至和弗兰克奋斗纽约,实现美国梦的主线有些脱离,但却深深地印在了心里?我想我是真的感受到了作者的真诚。真诚,是整部安琪...
评分有句话是说当你排除万难开始做一件事,全世界都会来帮你。不知事实是否如此,但想要全世界来帮你的前提是要拥有一颗坚毅的心,不管在追寻梦想的路上走向了哪条叉路,最终都能回到正道上来。 19岁的迈考特只身随船来到纽约,人生地不熟,怀踹“美国梦”,开始人生的...
评分文/吴情 一九九六年,美国当代著名作家、“教师中的教师”弗兰克·迈考特(Frank McCourt)出版了《安琪拉的灰烬》(Angela`s Ashes)一书,这是他的文学处女作,出版方未作大幅度宣传,却因读者口口相传名声大噪,最终畅销长销并荣获普利策奖、全美书评奖、美国年度好...
评分少年 、 勇气 、 梦想、 差距、 质疑、 迷失 、 坚持或是顺其自然 ,一路下来虽不完美确是个完整的人生 。。。。。。。
评分弗兰克·迈考特,1930年生于美国纽约,四岁即举家迁往爱尔兰,在贫民窟长大。13岁辍学。19岁只身回到美国。 弗兰克·迈考特不甘于现实中的处境,不甘于生活的压迫,仍坚持内心的梦想并为实现心中的那个梦不懈努力。他19岁一个人到美国生活,历经磨难与磨炼,最终...
图书标签: McCourt Frank Memoir Irish Ashes Angela's
Frank McCourt's glorious childhood memoir, Angela's Ashes , has been loved and celebrated by listeners everywhere for its spirit, its wit and its profound humanity. And now we have 'Tis , the story of Frank's American journey from impoverished immigrant to brilliant teacher and raconteur. Frank lands in New York at nineteen, in the company of a priest he meets on the boat. He gets a job at the Biltmore Hotel, where he immediately encounters the vivid hierarchies of this "classless country," and then is drafted into the army and is sent to Germany to train dogs and type reports. It is Frank's incomparable voice -- his uncanny humor and his astonishing ear for dialogue -- that renders these experiences spellbinding.When Frank returns to America in 1953, he works on the docks, always revisiting what everyone tells him, that men and women who have dreamed and toiled for years to get to America should "stick to their own kind" once they arrive. Somehow, Frank knows that he should be getting an education, and though he left school at fourteen, he talks his way into New York University. There, he falls in love with the quintessential Yankee, long-legged and blond, and tries to live his dream. But it is not until he starts to teach -- and to write -- that Frank finds his place in the world. The same vulnerable but invincible spirit that captured the hearts of listeners in Angela's Ashes comes of age.
'Tis 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书