Based on the acclaimed anime series as seen on "Adult Swim" from writer's Goro Taniguichi and Ichiro Okouchi, with original character designs by the manga powerhouse Clamp! Suzaku of Japan and Lelouch of Brittania were boyhood friends. Then the Holy Empire of Brittania invaded Japan and conquered the country, declaring it was now known as Area 11. Freedom was taken away and the proud Japanese people became known as Elevens. Seven years later, Lelouch and Suzaku, now an honorary Brittanian, are in high school, resigned to the fact thta they can do little to change the world around them. That is until he meets a mysterious girl that gives him the power to control people's minds - the power of Geass. He dons a mask and becomes the ruthless terrorist known only as Zero. But what of Suzaku?
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Suzaku Of The Counterattack Volume 2 (Code Geass 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載