傑夫·洛布(Jeph Loeb)
傑夫·洛布是艾美奬提名者和埃斯納奬編劇/製作人得奬者,現居洛杉磯。他的眾多作品包括電視劇《超人前傳》《迷失》和《英雄》以及電影《十八歲之狼》和《魔鬼司令》。在漫畫創作方麵,他廣為人知的是和極具天賦的藝術傢及“同謀” 蒂姆·塞爾的閤作,包括《蝙蝠俠:漫長的萬聖節》《蝙蝠俠:黑暗勝利》《超人 四季》以及《貓女在羅馬》。他同時也創作瞭《超人/蝙蝠俠》《女超人》以及《蝙蝠俠:緘默》。
蒂姆·塞爾(Tim Sale)
"It's about remembering someone so important to me I was going to spend the rest of my life with her." What Peter Parker didn't know was that meant Gwen Stacy would only get to spend the rest of her life with him. This is the story of how they fell in love. Or more appropriately, how they almost didn't fall in love. Welcome to Spider-Man's life. Bad before good. It's kind of amazing. So to get the girl of his dreams, he'll have to run the gauntlet of the Green Goblin, the Rhino, two Vultures and a mysterious man in the shadows controlling it all. Join the Eisner Award-winning team of Jeph Loeb and Tim Sale (Superman for All Seasons, Batman: The Long Halloween, DAREDEVIL: YELLOW, HULK: GRAY) in the story about Peter Parker's first love, Gwen Stacy. Highlighted by the introduction of Mary Jane Watson, it is a critical moment in Spider-Man's life when everything was just coming together - only to fall apart. Collecting SPIDER-MAN: BLUE #1-6.
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藍色是永恒的象徵,也是最冷的色彩。藍色非常純淨,通常讓人聯想到海洋、天空、水、宇宙。純淨的藍色錶現齣一種美麗、冷靜、理智、安詳與廣闊。 由於藍色沉穩的特性,所以這本書用“藍”來命名,與蜘蛛俠的特質基本吻閤。 瞭解漫威的人都知道,蜘蛛俠太稚嫩,在很多人眼裏,他...
評分藍色是永恒的象徵,也是最冷的色彩。藍色非常純淨,通常讓人聯想到海洋、天空、水、宇宙。純淨的藍色錶現齣一種美麗、冷靜、理智、安詳與廣闊。 由於藍色沉穩的特性,所以這本書用“藍”來命名,與蜘蛛俠的特質基本吻閤。 瞭解漫威的人都知道,蜘蛛俠太稚嫩,在很多人眼裏,他...
評分 評分整個構思很巧妙,憂鬱深沉的自白是真正的原創,其他情節基本是重繪。格溫之死是這串迴憶的起因,之後蜘蛛俠周而復始每年如此。不說這些悲劇部分,整本書不長的篇幅把蜘蛛俠早期核心感情綫幾乎講透瞭,從三角戀到格溫死後mj和小蜘蛛關係微妙的升華,還有彼得和梅嬸、總編、哈利...
評分圖書標籤: 美國漫畫 漫畫 漫威
“Bad before good.”A fascinating love poem with some interesting fights and classic scenes ornamented on.
評分“Bad before good.”A fascinating love poem with some interesting fights and classic scenes ornamented on.
評分“Bad before good.”A fascinating love poem with some interesting fights and classic scenes ornamented on.
評分“Bad before good.”A fascinating love poem with some interesting fights and classic scenes ornamented on.
評分“Bad before good.”A fascinating love poem with some interesting fights and classic scenes ornamented on.
Spider-Man: Blue 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載