Martin Bridge returns for more slice-of-life adventures in this installment in the widely acclaimed chapter-book series. In "Keyboard," Martin's summer is off to an unharmonious start when his best friends Alex and Stuart are grounded for accidentally damaging Polar Pete's ice-cream truck. Meanwhile, Martin's Mother won't stop practicing on her new electronic keyboard -- and she's driving him around the bend. He's so grumpy that he doesn't feel like helping his friends when they come up with a water-sprinkler-symphony scheme to help pay for their accident. Will Martin change his tune and add some much-needed harmony to his summer?In "Rope," Laila Moffat joins the Junior Badgers, much to Martin's chagrin. A keener and know-it-all, Laila just wants to win more badges. Martin doesn't plan to make it easy for her.Though Laila ends up proving herself Badger-worthy, Martin sure doesn't treat her like a friend should. As the competition for more badges begins to heat up, Martin finds himself with conflicting loyalties.
Onwards and Upwards! 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載
Onwards and Upwards! 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載