Henderson the Rain King, is seriocomic novel by Saul Bellow, first published in 1959. The novel examines the midlife crisis of Eugene Henderson, an unhappy millionaire. The story concerns Henderson's search for meaning. A larger-than-life 55-year-old who has accumulated money, position, and a large family, he nonetheless feels unfulfilled. He makes a spiritual journey to Africa, where he draws emotional sustenance from experiences with African tribes. Deciding that his true destiny is as a healer, Henderson returns home, planning to enter medical school. a oeA kind of wildly delirious dream made real by the force of Bellowa (TM)s rollicking prose and the offbeat inventiveness of his language.a a " Chicago Tribune a oeBellowa (TM)s aura of fable is constantly washed over by humor, impulsive creation, and actual, turbulent detail.a a " The Nation
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如果從讀小說的角度看《雨王亨德森》還是有點纍的,描寫太乾,心理活動太多。但是我知道,這百分之八十是翻譯的問題。歐美的長篇小說很多不能讓人讀完,比如納博科夫,唯一好讀的隻有《洛麗塔》。但是又很奇怪,世界上最會講故事的作傢也在他們那兒。 讀完小說以後我纔深刻明白...
評分 評分 評分人在什麼時候最痛苦?重新審視自己、顛覆自己的時候。 泛泛而論,可以說這本書的主題是關於“尋找自我”。這個主題在眾多的文學作品中並不鮮見。真正擊中讀者的,是亨德森發自內心深處的呐喊,是那似乎看不到底的欲望的深度。 雨王亨德森不可能活在當下的中國,他太較真瞭,...
評分我是三月份讀的這本書,當時把錯誤都記在瞭書上,迴頭一看,竟然有這麼多。 翻譯藍仁哲和責編馮濤真應該負很大的責任。按說誰沒有錯呢,可是在宋兆霖翻譯的《奧吉·馬奇曆險記》中,我從始至終沒有遇到過一個錯誤,盡管《奧吉·馬奇曆險記》比《雨王亨德森》厚瞭一倍...
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