Irrepressible satisfaction with the gift of life is the single theme of Thoreau's writing.
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評分《瓦爾登湖》哪個譯本最好(附版本排序) 2010-06-19 08:10:07| 分類: 《瓦爾登湖》 |字號 訂閱 (一) 這個問題是很多讀者渴望得到解答的,但卻不容易迴答。有些解答很有意思。 有人說“我收有大概十個版本的……,所以我的發言應該是比...
評分「當一個人離群索居時,纔可能體會齣生命的意義」梭羅 是的,我同意,因為孤獨是必要的,因為孤獨可以使生命恢復完整,可以迴到自我的根源,求得身心安頓。 梭羅這麽說:「若是一天裡有幾個時段可待在自己的空間裡,完全忠實的麵對自己,真是一大釋放,它們可以...
評分“即使它描繪的境界讓你沮喪,你也應對待它的純灼,如同仰視黑夜裏的繁星。” 歡迎添加。 1) 我覺得一個人若生活得誠實,他一定是生活在一個遙遠的地方瞭。(P2) 2) 我們天性中最優美的品格,好比果實上的粉霜一樣,是隻能輕手輕腳,纔得保全的。然而,人與人之間就是沒有能...
評分很久不讀譯作,看到一直啃不動的《瓦爾登湖》齣全新注疏版,便按捺不住買一本的衝動,加之知道新版的譯者是留美學者,還是豆瓣上關注的文筆甚佳的友鄰,所以對新版寄予瞭莫大希望。 然而現實每每總是讓人失望。本來本著學習的態度來的,結果在京東上讀瞭幾個章節,便又情不自...
圖書標籤: 浸泡在書海裏吧 梭羅 Thoreau
"I am not responsible for the successful working of the machinery of society. I am not the son of the engineer." (Thoreau's self-irony) 既要人格思想獨立、不甘做cog,又不想組織公社鬧革命,看來隻能隱居山林self-transformation。隻是這最後一條路在如今也應該不可能瞭......
評分No time to read Contexts and Comments...though would like to...In a word, this is a man who loves life and truth, and endeavors to realize his dream in reality.
評分"I am not responsible for the successful working of the machinery of society. I am not the son of the engineer." (Thoreau's self-irony) 既要人格思想獨立、不甘做cog,又不想組織公社鬧革命,看來隻能隱居山林self-transformation。隻是這最後一條路在如今也應該不可能瞭......
評分No time to read Contexts and Comments...though would like to...In a word, this is a man who loves life and truth, and endeavors to realize his dream in reality.
評分No time to read Contexts and Comments...though would like to...In a word, this is a man who loves life and truth, and endeavors to realize his dream in reality.
Walden and Civil Disobedience 2024 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載