Take a Tour Through the Mind of a Shopper "What's my test of a book I've been asked to review? Pure selfishness. How intense are the underlinings? How many quotes can I add to my presentations? How often are the things I believe 'for sure' effectively challenged? Phil Lempert's Being the Shopper is off the charts on all three counts. And not-so-incidentally, though Phil is a 'supermarket guru,' this book will inform anyone who markets anything." -- Tom Peters, coauthor, In Search of Excellence "Being the Shopper is gourmet reading ...a delicious and healthy resource for the smart shopper and forward-thinking marketer. Set your taste buds for Lempert's cutting-edge insights and pragmatic advice on the one experience we all share!" -- Chip Bell, author, Customer Love and Customers as Partners "Phil Lempert convinces me I'm something called a consumer. It seems I'm obtuse, savvy, sensual, and picky-- and that my dynamics and demographics are constantly changing. So if you want me to buy something, you ought to try and understand me. reading Being the Shopper seems (to me) a real good place to start." -- Barry Gibbons, former Chairman/CEO of Burger King author and entrepreneur "Rarely do you come across a book that's as meaningful to students and 25-year marketers alike. Being the Shopper delivers to both audiences by enlightening the reader on how to approach critical issues if you want to succeed in today's incredibly demanding environment. It's easy to talk about listening to the voice of your customer, but Mr. Lempert provides a refreshing guide as to how you really can do it." -- Brian Perkins, Worldwide Chairman, Consumer Pharmaceuticals and Nutritionals Group, Johnson & Johnson "Is there anything more American than choice? We expect it, we demand it, we revel in it. Phil Lempert understands what your customers really want, and how you can help them find it." -- Steve Rivkin, President, Rivkin & Associates coauthor, IdeaWise and Differentiate or Die
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