"Surely such a familiar landmark and its flora need nointroduction. But leaf through the book (or better yet, get Brown andChoukas-Bradley to take you on a tour) and you realize that while the rest of theworld has been looking at Sugarloaf through a telescope, this intrepid pair has beenusing a magnifying glass.... Their record of these trees and wildflowers] hasbecome one of the most complete guides to local upland flora available, and theyhope it will be used not just in other natural areas but in back yards where peoplewant to raise native plants themselves." -- "WashingtonPost " "In between afield guide and a botanical manual, Choukas-Bradley and Brown have created amust-have... to tote into the woods of Sugarloaf Mountain. The authors have includedevery flowering plant they observed during ten years of extensive hiking andexploration on Sugarloaf. This guide would be useful to any naturalist, serious orcasual, venturing into the wilds of the Northeastern United States and adjacentCanada." -- "E-Streams" "This book contains aneasy-to-use, non-technical botanical key for flowering plants -- herbaceous andwoody alike.... The author describes each plant and its individual parts, allrelated species, and details on the plant's growth habit, its natural range andhabitat, its bloom time, and where it can be found on Sugarloaf Mt." --"Solidago: The Newsletter of the Finger Lakes Native Plant Society" A thorough yet user-friendlycompanion to the authors' popular paperback "Sugarloaf: TheMountain's History, Geology, and Natural Lore, this volume is an exquisitelyillustrated guide to 350 eastern woodland "wildflowers and treesfound onsite at Sugarloaf Mountain, Maryland. It includes a botanical key and anillustrated glossary of common and scientific names, and is packed with nearly 400elaborately and artistically detailed pen-and-ink drawings to make plantidentification simple and fun. MelanieChoukas-Bradley is the author of "City of Trees: The Complete FieldGuide to the Trees of Washington, D.C. " and a longtime contributorto the "Washington Post. " She teaches field botanyfor the USDA Graduate School. Tina Thieme Brown has worked as a landscape artist andenvironmentalist for twenty-five years. She teaches art at the U.S. Botanic Garden, is an artist on the Countryside Artisans Studio Tour, and creates art inspired bythe Sugarloaf Mountain countryside in her 1790s log cabin studio. Choukas-Bradleyand Brown lead Sugarloaf Mountain field trips for the Audubon Naturalist Society ofthe Central Atlantic States and other organizations. Published in association with the Center forAmerican Places
An Illustrated Guide to Eastern Woodland Wildflowers and Trees 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載
An Illustrated Guide to Eastern Woodland Wildflowers and Trees 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載