拉米茲·埃爾瑪斯瑞(Ramez Elmasri) 得剋薩斯大學阿靈頓分校教授。1972年在埃及亞曆山大大學電氣工程專業獲學士學位,1980年在斯坦福大學計算機科學專業獲碩士學位和博士學位。他當前的研究興趣包括傳感器網絡、射頻識彆、生物信息學數據介質、查詢個性化以及係統集成。他是教材《Fundamentals of Database Systems》(數據庫係統基礎)的第一作者,該教材已發行至第5版。他以往的研究涵蓋數據庫、概念建模和分布式係統的各個方麵。
A.吉爾·卡裏剋(A. Gil Carrick) 以前是得剋薩斯大學阿靈頓分校講師,現已從教師崗位退休。1970年在休斯敦大學電子技術專業獲學士學位,2000年在得剋薩斯大學阿靈頓分校計算機科學專業獲碩士學位。他是計算機科學榮譽學會的成員。他的職業跨越整個信息技術産業,包括終端用戶組織、硬件製造商、軟件齣版商、第三方維護機構、大學以及研發公司。他為專業期刊撰稿,並編輯信息技術書籍,相關選題主要集中在網絡領域。在他的職業生涯中,這本教材中所討論的所有操作係統他都使用過,他甚至還使用過許多其他的操作係統。
戴維·萊文(David Levine) 講授操作係統、軟件工程、網絡和計算機體係結構課程。他的研究興趣包括移動計算、移動對象和分布式計算,整理的相關研究成果發錶在近幾年的齣版物和若乾國際會議上。他喜歡討論操作係統,與學生暢談操作係統的當前研究,並研習操作係統的新進展。
Elmasri, Levine, and Carrick's 'spiral approach' to teaching operating systems develops student understanding of various OS components early on and helps students approach the more difficult aspects of operating systems with confidence. While operating systems have changed dramatically over the years, most OS books use a linear approach that covers each individual OS component in depth, which is difficult for students to follow and requires instructors to constantly put materials in context. Elmasri, Levine, and Carrick do things differently by following an integrative or 'spiral' approach to explaining operating systems. The spiral approach alleviates the need for an instructor to 'jump ahead' when explaining processes by helping students 'completely' understand a simple, working, functional system as a whole in the very beginning. This is more effective pedagogically, and it inspires students to continue exploring more advanced concepts with confidence.
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圖書標籤: 計算機科學 操作係統 MgH 教輔 華師藉 Systems Operating OS
CIS 486 - Design of Operating Systems
評分CIS 486 - Design of Operating Systems
評分CIS 486 - Design of Operating Systems
評分CIS 486 - Design of Operating Systems
評分CIS 486 - Design of Operating Systems
Operating Systems 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載