Dave Cullen is the author of the upcoming PARKLAND, and the New York Times bestseller COLUMBINE.
After PARKLAND will come a book on two gay soldiers, 20 years in the making, which was nearing completion when Parkland struck.
Dave has written for New York Times, BuzzFeed, Vanity Fair, New Republic, Times of London, Newsweek, Guardian, Washington Post, Lapham's Quarterly, Slate, Salon, The Millions, and Daily Beast.
(Columbine is summarized concisely in this three minute Columbine shooting intro video (book trailer.))
More on my gay soldiers book. To be notified when it's published, email dave@davecullen.com with subject line "notify".
Dave spent ten years writing and researching Columbine. He was driven by two questions: why did they kill, and what became of the survivors? The surprise was that most of what we "know" is wrong. It wasn't about the jocks, goths or the Trenchcoat Mafia. The killers didn't even see themselves as school shooters: their primary focus was the bombs.
Columbine spent thirteen weeks on the New York Times bestseller lists. It won the Edgar Award, Barnes & Noble's Discover Award, the Goodreads Choice Award, and The Truth About The Fact's Literary Nonfiction Book of the Year Award. It was a finalist for the LA Times Book Award, the ALA's Alex Award, the Audie Award, and the MPIBA Book Award. Columbine was named to two dozen Best of 2009 lists, including the New York Times, LA Times and Publishers Weekly. It was declared Top Education Book of 2009 by the American School Board Journal.
Dave lived in Denver while writing and researching the book. He recently moved to New York City and travels extensively to high schools and colleges.
For anyone looking for more info, some links: Columbine intro video, my Columbine research site, Columbine Teacher’s Guide and gay soldiers book.
Dave's second book, Soldiers First, is due from HarperCollins, in 2019:
Two gay colonels quietly battle for love and freedom inside the great American war machine rumbling through the Middle East. A love story and a soldier's story — at war.
Written by a former solider, who has followed these soldiers a decade and a half, Soldiers First tells their gripping story, before, during and after the policy that played havoc with their lives.
科倫拜校園事件是1999年4月20日在美國科羅拉多州傑佛遜郡科倫拜中學(Columbine High School)發生的校園槍擊事件。兩名青少年學生—埃裏剋·哈裏斯(Eric Harris)和迪倫·剋萊伯德(Dylan Klebold)配備槍械和爆炸物進入校園,槍殺瞭12名學生和1名教師,造成其他24人受傷,兩人接著自殺身亡。這起事件被視為美國曆史上最血腥校園槍擊事件之一。
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cassie,一個columbine槍擊案被殺死的小姑娘,被母親寫成一個在被殺死前說齣yes i believe in god的為信仰而死的受難者(也許是為瞭消費,也許是為瞭讓作為基督徒的自己心裏好受些)。但事實上當時在桌下目睹她被殺死的朋友並不記得她和eric有過這樣的對話,隻記得她在死前一直...
評分1、Dave Cullen的野心在於“正本清源”,把謠言、誤傳一一厘清。 以下引號內段落引自WIKI百科: “1999年4月20日,美國科羅拉多州傑佛遜郡哥倫拜恩中學(Columbine High School)發生的校園槍擊事件。兩名青少年學生—埃裏剋·哈裏斯(Eric Harris)和迪倫·剋萊伯德(Dy...
評分cassie,一個columbine槍擊案被殺死的小姑娘,被母親寫成一個在被殺死前說齣yes i believe in god的為信仰而死的受難者(也許是為瞭消費,也許是為瞭讓作為基督徒的自己心裏好受些)。但事實上當時在桌下目睹她被殺死的朋友並不記得她和eric有過這樣的對話,隻記得她在死前一直...
評分1、Dave Cullen的野心在於“正本清源”,把謠言、誤傳一一厘清。 以下引號內段落引自WIKI百科: “1999年4月20日,美國科羅拉多州傑佛遜郡哥倫拜恩中學(Columbine High School)發生的校園槍擊事件。兩名青少年學生—埃裏剋·哈裏斯(Eric Harris)和迪倫·剋萊伯德(Dy...
評分1、Dave Cullen的野心在於“正本清源”,把謠言、誤傳一一厘清。 以下引號內段落引自WIKI百科: “1999年4月20日,美國科羅拉多州傑佛遜郡哥倫拜恩中學(Columbine High School)發生的校園槍擊事件。兩名青少年學生—埃裏剋·哈裏斯(Eric Harris)和迪倫·剋萊伯德(Dy...
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