乔纳森·威尔逊,是一个广受好评的传记类图书作者,出版有关于东欧足球的书《英格兰的解剖学:历史在10场比赛》《桑德兰:俱乐部转变》《局外人:守门员的完整历史》《利物浦的解剖学》。他为《卫报》《体育画报》和《世界足球》供稿。他还是《暴雪》杂志的编辑。他著作的《倒转金字塔》一书曾获威廉·希尔体育书奖。Jonathan Wilson is the author of a critically acclaimed biography of Brian Clough, a book on Eastern European football, THE ANATOMY OF ENGLAND: A HISTORY IN TEN MATCHES, SUNDERLAND: A CLUB TRANSFORMED, THE OUTSIDER: A COMPLETE HISTORY OF THE GOALKEEPER and THE ANATOMY OF LIVERPOOL. He writes for the GUARDIAN, SPORTS ILLUSTRATED and WORLD SOCCER, and he is the editor of THE BLIZZARD. INVERTING THE PYRAMID won Best Football Book at the BRITISH SPORTS BOOK AWARDs and was shortlisted for the WILLIAM HILL SPORTS BOOK OF THE YEAR AWARD译者:迪生:球迷一家翻译团成员,爱好收集足球书籍和视频。徐天辰:毕业于利兹大学和香港中文大学,曾在日内瓦联合国总部担任翻译;1998年起看球,切尔西铁杆球迷,爆棚小组和球迷一家翻译团成员,已出版四部译著。蝶歌:毕业于复旦大学和休斯顿大学,因1986年世界杯迷上阿根廷足球,也是国际米兰的忠实拥趸。
Inverting the Pyramid 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
评分门将篇(3X2) 指挥门将(Commanding Goalkeeper)—— 雅辛 VS 卡恩 清道夫门将(Sweeper Keeper)—— 奇拉维特 VS 舒梅切尔 传统门将(Shot Stopper)—— 佐夫 VS 布冯 后卫篇(7X2) 自由人(Libero)—— 贝肯鲍尔 VS 迪斯蒂法诺 中后卫(Central Back)—— 巴雷西 VS ...
评分最近刚好学校在放假,我闲着无聊,就根据自己的兴趣买了一本《倒转金字塔》来看。这本书是一本足球史。不过,说它是足球书也好,毕竟他讲的完全是足球;说它是历史书也罢,毕竟它讲的是一门文化的历史。使人更是将它捧为足球界的圣经,也足以体现这本书的重要性。 在我看来,...
评分如果喜欢看球的都是球迷,那女球迷当真不少,只是关注的点比较不同了。 问姐妹们关于足球的问题: 喜欢哪个球星?“贝克汉姆啊,辣妹多潮啊。” 那球队呢?“意大利啊,没看都穿阿玛尼吗,帅哥养眼啊。” 能说出2-3-5,4-4-3,WM这类阵型的真心不多,看球看热闹多于看门道。通...
图书标签: 足球 战术 体育 历史 JonathanWilson 足球发展 足球历史 英文原版
Whether it's Terry Venables keeping his wife up late at night with diagrams on scraps of paper spread over the eiderdown, or the classic TV sitcom of moving the salt & pepper around the table top in the transport cafe, football tactics are now part of the fabric of everyday life. Steve McLaren's switch to an untried 3-5-2 against Croatia will probably go down as the moment he lost his slim credibility gained from dropping David Beckham; Jose Mourinho, meanwhile, was often brought to task for trying to smuggle the long ball game back into English football. Here Jonathan Wilson pulls apart the modern game, traces the world history of tactics from modern pioneers right back to beginning where chaos reigned. Along the way he looks at the lives of great players and thinkers who shaped the game, and probes why the English, in particular, have 'proved themselves unwilling to grapple with the abstract'.
Extensively researched; very rich in information. Could have been better organized and written more clearly, though.
评分3.5.大概可以看作一部现代足球的进化大事记,主要突出了阵型的演变和背后对空间的理解。前面几章略显无趣。在现在俱乐部寡头化日益加剧、欧洲足球体系在资源和球员储备上的必然崛起的局面下。“风格”本身将会成为一种奢侈品,也许日后Jonathan Wilson再次续写此书时,已经很难再总结出某种球队身上那些吸引人且与众不同的特点了。
评分After watching soccer for 19 years, this book just makes me feel I've only watched the 1st order soccer. Now at the 19th year, it's going to be the 2nd order soccer that I'm going to watch!
评分这辈子读过的最精彩的书。"many have hailed the end of history; none have ever been right."
Inverting the Pyramid 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书