Ghost at Work 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
Bailey Ruth Raeburn always had a knack for solving mysteries. Why should a little thing like being dead change anything? Bailey Ruth's unique position as a ghost makes it possible for her to lend a helping hand to her former neighbors in Adelaide, Oklahoma. And the rector's wife, Kathleen Abbott, needs all the help she can get. There's a dead man on her porch, and once the body's discovered the rector's bound to be murder suspect number one. An agent of Heaven's Department of Good Intentions, Bailey Ruth's eager to head back to the mortal plane to extricate Kathleen from a dire situation. Wiggins, Bailey Ruth's fussbudget supervisor, has already advised her about the rules: she's to be on the earth, not of the earth. But to bring a killer to justice, she just might have to bend a heavenly rule or two . . .
Ghost at Work 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
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