TQM, Reengineering,Theory of Constraints, JIT,Six Sigma, Lean Manufacturing ...These are just some of the methods that, overthe past five decades, have promised to transformany manufacturing firm into a lean, mean, moneymakingmachine. While each incorporates certainfundamental truths, strengths, and benefits, theyare not panaceas. Nor do they necessarily providemuch-needed insight into the science that underliesfactory performance. James Ignizio, Ph.D., an internationally recognizedperformance optimization expert, believesthat only a balanced approach will provide thesignificant and sustainable improvement requiredof firms who will survive and prosper in thetwenty-first century. In this breakthrough guide, Dr. Ignizio picks upwhere such concepts as Six Sigma and Lean Manufacturingleave off to provide you with a holistic,three-dimensional approach to mastering the artand science of manufacturing. Focusing on the three primary enemiesof factory performance-complexity, variability,and lackluster leadership-Optimizing FactoryPerformance cuts to the heart of the problem ofless-than-world-class performance and demonstrateshow those enemies manifest themselves incompanies across manufacturing sectors. Ignizioalso explores the insidious effect company politicsand flagging commitment to manufacturing performancehave on competitiveness. Emphasizing the all-important, often overlookedthird dimension of manufacturing-factoryprotocols-Ignizio describes the types of strategicand tactical changes to physical plant and operatingprocedures any company can make to achieveperformance improvements. In addition, he arms youwith powerful, original metrics for measuring andcomparing factory performance, as well as a set ofinteractive simulation models, available online atwww.mhprofessional.com/ignizio. Running throughout the book is an oftenamusing, always instructive account of the fictionalhigh-tech firm, Muddle, Inc., which helps supportthe concepts discussed in the real world of manufacturing,while reinforcing key lessons learned. Read Optimizing Factory Performance and findout how to transform your organization into the kindof fast, agile manufacturer that delivers the rightproducts to the right customers at the right time-every time.
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