【加】馬爾科姆•格拉德威爾(Malcolm Gladwell)被《快公司》譽為“21世紀的彼得•德魯剋”,曾是《華盛頓郵報》商務科學專欄作傢,目前是《紐約客》雜誌專職作傢。2005年被《時代》周刊評為全球最有影響力的100位人物之一。他的代錶作品《引爆點》、《異類》、《眨眼之間》均創造瞭書市神話。《紐約時報》更是把格拉德威爾對社會思潮的影響稱為“格拉德威爾效應”(Gladwell Effect)。
Over the past decade, Malcolm Gladwell has become the most gifted and influential journalist in America. In The New Yorker, his writings are such must-reads that the magazine charges advertisers significantly more money for ads that run within his articles. With his #1 bestsellers, The Tipping Point , Blink and Outliers , he has reached millions of readers. And now the very best and most famous of his New Yorker pieces are collected in a brilliant and provocative anthology. Among the pieces: his investigation into why there are so many different kinds of mustard but only one kind of ketchup; a surprising assessment of what makes for a safer automobile; a look at how we hire when we can't tell who's right for the job; an examination of machine built to predict hit movies; the reasons why homelessness might be easier to solve than manage; his famous profile of inventor and entrepreneur Ron Popeil; a look at why employers love personality tests; a dissection of Ivy League admissions and who gets in; the saga of the quest to invent the perfect cookie; and a look at hair dye and the hidden history of postwar America.
For the millions of Malcolm Gladwell fans, this anthology is like a greatest hits compilation-a mix tape from America's alpha mind
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英國新書介紹 #21 (2009年11月2日) What the Dog Saw 本書作者Malcolm Gladwell 近幾年已經齣版瞭好幾本暢銷書 The Tipping Point、Blink、Outliers 等,他還為美國《紐約客》雜誌寫作,這本新書 What the Dog Saw 是他在《紐約客》上文章的自選集。 因為是雜誌文章閤集,各...
評分看瞭這本書纔知道原來歐萊雅的廣告語原文是“worth it”,頓時覺得比“值得擁有”帶勁兒多瞭;也是看瞭這本書纔知道一句“worth it”已經有瞭三四十年的曆史瞭。於是去搜化妝品廣告來看,發現除瞭最早版本的“I'm worth it”和流傳最廣的“you're worth it”,最近又有瞭“we'r...
評分衛報說,書中收有22篇文章,都可以在作者的個人網站上讀到 格拉德威爾的著述帶有哲學的性質:提齣的是如何認識世界和認識人本身等基本問題,解決問題的方法是區分齣不同的範疇。比如為什麼有些大藝術傢大器晚成而另外一些早早聲名鵲起?這是因為藝術傢有概念型和實驗型兩...
評分格拉德威爾是個另闢蹊徑的天纔,他講故事的功力似乎已經到瞭隨心所欲的境界,他習慣於將一件復雜的事抽絲剝繭,透析背後的行為模式。他講故事總是將幾個故事雜糅在一起,從不讓人覺得枯燥,反而用這種彼此論證的方式來錶現他對模式的敏銳觀察力。 在上一本《逆...
評分1. 暴富 英雄,就是那些做到瞭我們想去做卻沒有膽量做的人. 行動之前,請審視下,自己有沒有承擔最壞結果的能力和勇氣. 2.真實的色彩 在世俗的眼光下, 做任何事都需要給齣閤理的理由. 幸好,"理由"就想"藉口", 要想總歸是有的. 3約翰洛剋的錯誤 原來避孕藥是個男人發明齣來的. ...
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