杰夫·豪,《连线》(Wired)杂志著名资深编辑,负责娱乐产业方面的报道。在到《连线》杂志之前,他是Inside.corn的资深编辑,同时也是《村声》(Hllage Voice)的著名撰稿人。 在他15年的记者生涯中,杰夫走遍全球,考察各国的市场和行业发展情况,他的报道内容广泛,影响很大,涉及中亚淡水危机、基因专利的影响等等。同时,他也为《时代》杂志(Time)、《美国新闻与世界报道》(U.S News&World Report)、《华盛顿邮报》(Washington Post)、((琼斯母亲》(Mother Jones)等其他众多报刊杂志撰稿。 现居布鲁克林。
Crowdsourcing 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书
初一看到名字,很兴奋。觉得能从中收获不少,刚开始看几个序言时的感觉似乎印证我的直觉。自己还特意摘选了一些文字,辛苦地敲到博客里,还推荐给几位朋友看。 现在,我给它下了结论:就象一支流行歌,听过就算了。 一,同众多引进版权然后翻译的书一样,存在文句上拗口、上下...
评分在网上一篇小文(http://www.epublab.com/?p=437)上了解到ReCAPTCHA技术: 一般图形认证码系统都是只生成一个单词的,reCAPTCHA 生成的图片里面有两个单词,其中一个是机器生成的,有正确结果的单词,另一个则是扫描出来的有问题的单词,这个词没有正确结果。如果用户提交上来...
评分初一看到名字,很兴奋。觉得能从中收获不少,刚开始看几个序言时的感觉似乎印证我的直觉。自己还特意摘选了一些文字,辛苦地敲到博客里,还推荐给几位朋友看。 现在,我给它下了结论:就象一支流行歌,听过就算了。 一,同众多引进版权然后翻译的书一样,存在文句上拗口、上下...
评分 评分通篇就讲了一个事情,把事情通过互联网可以以更低廉的价格外包给广大网民,这种方式,投入产出比比外包更高。 越来越不喜欢看国外这种书,不过,今天翻了一下中国的程序员出身的同学写的一本关于程序员职业规划的书之后,发现,就档次而言,老外似乎又高了一点点。
图书标签: 商业 互联网 IT 美国 商业与金融 众包 sociology economics
Why does Procter & Gamble repeatedly call on enthusiastic amateurs to solve scientific and technical challenges? How can companies as diverse as iStockphoto and Threadless employ just a handful of people, yet generate millions of dollars in revenue every year?
"Crowdsourcing" is how the power of the many can be leveraged to accomplish feats that were once the responsibility of a specialized few. Jeff Howe reveals that the crowd is more than wise–it’s talented, creative, and stunningly productive. It’s also a perfect meritocracy, where age, gender, race, education, and job history no longer matter; the quality of the work is all that counts. If you can perform the service, design the product, or solve the problem, you’ve got the job.
But crowdsourcing has also triggered a dramatic shift in the way work is organized, talent is employed, research is conducted, and products are made and marketed. As the crowd comes to supplant traditional forms of labor, pain and disruption are inevitable, and Howe delves into both the positive and negative consequences of this intriguing phenomenon. Through extensive reporting from the front lines of this workplace revolution, he employs a brilliant array of stories to look at the economic, cultural, business, and political implications of crowdsourcing.
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Crowdsourcing 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书