蓝佩嘉 美国西北大学社会学博士,现任台湾大学社会系教授。研究领域包括:性别社会学、工作社会学和移民与全球化等。曾于柏克莱大学、纽约大学、荷兰国际亚洲研究所担任访问学者,并常于《中国时报》观念平台撰写专栏。
Global Cinderellas 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
一、概述 《跨国灰姑娘》考察了全球化框架之下的东南亚-台湾地区的帮佣市场,对跨国劳工的相关历史和政策、国界与性别的藩篱、阶层-性别的矛盾、婚姻关系,以及全球化等话题进行了细致的讨论,最终根据自己的田野观察和分析,得出的结论是:台湾新富群体通过雇佣东南亚女佣来缓...
评分一、 “仙女挥动魔法棒,南瓜变成华丽的马车,炉台边的老鼠和墙上的蜥蜴变成车夫和马匹,灰姑娘身上的破布衣衫变成了光彩夺目的新衣。” 来自东南亚的一群女性,怀揣着现代性朝圣的美好梦想,只身前往周边发达地区打拼。 “然而兴奋的余热未尽,十二点的钟声敲响,魔...
评分此书非常成功,关键原因可能在于作者用了非常丰富的理论来解释非常丰富的案例,论述清晰文笔流畅,没有许多质性研究那种千头万绪、同义重复之感。 主要运用到的理论一览: (1) 国际分工(Sassen 1992) (2) 象征秩序(Douglas 1966) (3) 刻板印象(Collins 1990)与...
评分一、概述 《跨国灰姑娘》考察了全球化框架之下的东南亚-台湾地区的帮佣市场,对跨国劳工的相关历史和政策、国界与性别的藩篱、阶层-性别的矛盾、婚姻关系,以及全球化等话题进行了细致的讨论,最终根据自己的田野观察和分析,得出的结论是:台湾新富群体通过雇佣东南亚女佣来缓...
评分蓝佩嘉:就算微薄,仍要尽全力 Text+photo_骆莹莹 刊于《书香两岸》 《跨国灰姑娘:当东南亚帮佣遇上台湾新富家庭》是一本关注弱势阶层的书,以台湾社会的外籍帮佣和雇主为研究对象,这样的议题或许离大陆读者的经验有些距离,但借鉴“它乡之石”,有助于我们审视所处社...
图书标签: 社会学 女性 人类学 女性主义 全球化 transnationalism Taiwan 社会学/人类学
Migrant women are the primary source of paid domestic workers around the world. Since the 1980s, the newly prosperous countries of East Asia have recruited foreign household workers at a rapidly increasing rate. Many come from the Philippines and Indonesia. Pei-Chia Lan interviewed and spent time with dozens of Filipina and Indonesian domestics working in and around Taipei as well as many of their Taiwanese employers. Based on the vivid ethnographic detail she collected, Lan provides a nuanced look at how global inequalities are enacted in private households. She also sheds light on the fate of the workers, "global Cinderellas" who seek an escape from poverty at home only to find themselves treated as disposable labour abroad.Lan demonstrates how economic disparities, immigration policies, race, ethnicity, and gender intersect in the relationship between the employees and their Taiwanese employers. The employers are eager to flex their newly acquired financial muscle; many are first-generation career women as well as first-generation employers.The domestics are recruited from abroad as contract and "guest" workers; restrictive immigration policies prohibit them from seeking permanent residence or transferring from one employer to another. They take care of Taiwanese families' children, often having left their own behind. While many of the domestics, particularly the Filipinas, are well educated, they are expected to act deferentially at work. Throughout Global Cinderellas, Lan pays particular attention to how the women she studied identify themselves in relation to "others" - whether they be of different classes, nationalities, ethnicities, or education levels. In so doing, she offers a framework for thinking about how migrant workers and their employers understand themselves in the midst of dynamic trans-national labour flows.
评分The feminisation of domestic work; Taiwanese new rich women transferring the womanhood/motherhood to their employees; the migrant workers' esteem - linguistic resistance and their pride as main breadwinners when managing a transnational marriage......好感动
Global Cinderellas 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书