This witty sequel to Jane Austen's "Pride and Prejudice" follows the fate of Georgiana Darcy, Mr. Darcy's younger sister, who must choose between two suitors, a well-placed navy captain and a brash young architect. Masterfully adapted to Austen's original nineteenth-century style, "Presumption" brings back to life the book's most memorable characters, the Bennets, Darcys, Collins, and de Bourghs.
"An elegant emulation and continuation of "Pride and Prejudice." . . . Jointly composed by two admirers of Jane Austen, the book often achieves crisp replication of her style. . . . "Presumption" shows how sequel-writing can, like parody, be a sharp exercise in literary appreciation."--Peter Kemp, "Times Literary Supplement"
Julia Barrett is a pseudonym for Julia Braun Kessler and Gabrielle Donnelly.
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