So the second Mrs. Maxim deWinter remembered the chilling events that led her down the turning drive past the beeches, white and naked, to the isolated gray stone mansion on the windswept Cornish coast. With a husband she barely knew, the young bride arrived at this immense estate, only to be inexorably drawn into the life of the first Mrs. deWinter, the beautiful Rebecca, dead but never forgotten...her suite of rooms never touched, her clothes ready to be worn, her servant -- the sinister Mrs. Danvers -- still loyal.As an eerie presentiment of evil tightened around her heart, the second Mrs. deWinter began her search for the real fate of Rebecca and for the secrets of Manderly.
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追憶第一次於文字中看到石楠,是在《呼嘯山莊》廣袤的荒原上。時隔多日,我如癡如醉地走進《蝴蝶夢》,走進瞭神秘的曼陀麗,驀然看到,這裏竟也有石楠,隻是不同於那野性蒼涼的初次印象,曼陀麗的石楠擁有高聳密集的火紅,像血一樣。 《蝴蝶夢》(又譯《麗貝卡》)的作者達...
評分“你我之間,她從未齣現,卻無處不在......”如此簡短的一句話,卻生動地揭示瞭麗貝卡在曼德麗莊園無與倫比的地位。 麗貝卡無疑是《蝴蝶夢》全書最耐人尋味的的人物。她在曼德利莊園深深鎸刻下瞭自己的印記,深刻到莊園的每一個角落仿佛都能看到她的蹤影,深刻到丹弗斯夫人完完...
評分淩晨三點看完的這本小說,渾身發冷,看完後又迴過頭去看瞭看開頭。 並不傷感,但是有點無奈的意思。 小說寫的該說是不錯的,“我”穿著一襲白衣齣現在樓梯那一端的那一場看得我幾乎要屏住呼吸。除卻書中多齣描寫的拖遝,尤以景物描寫的拖遝為特點,這是一本真的很好的小說。它...
評分傢裏一本老版的呂貝卡,被中學時代那個嗜書如命的我,翻爛瞭又補好,再翻爛再補好……終於就這麼徹底爛瞭。 其實很懷念那時候的我,一本書一讀再讀,仿佛那是全世界最珍貴、最好看的書,我總是囫圇吞棗式地讀第一遍,再拆肉剔骨地讀二三遍,然後在每一個閑暇時光,比如考試前...
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