"A delicious fantasy in the old school tradition". -- Publishers WeeklyMost little gifts have parents to look after them, but not Annabel Tippens. She has Gloria, a tiny white dog who talks and wears a gold collar. And that's not the only thing that makes Annabel different: She can do all kinds of things that other kids can't do, like kiss her own elbow and fly around the house Could it be true that Annabel is not a little girl at all, but a fairy? Soon Annabel will have to decide. If she chooses to be a fairy, she'll have to say good-bye to Gloria forever. But how can she decide between her newly found magic and her dearest friend?
No Flying in the House 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載
No Flying in the House 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載