A mystery/suspense thriller, "Deadline" is the story of young and idealistic Hannah Tyler, a suburban San Diego high school English and Journalism teacher, who becomes the common denominator in a series of mysterious events linking her with a paradoxical colleague, a hostile graduate, and two new, ambitious students. One of the four is murdered and another is arrested in the case. A third earns Hannah's trust only to betray her, and the fourth becomes her unexpected ally. Nothing makes sense until the day a gun comes into the school. "An interesting read and a study on the state of today's schools . . . 335 pages of twists and turns and story lines that could be ripped from the headlines of any national newscast, from a teacher having inappropriate relationships with teens to a student bringing a handgun to school . . . Gilmore sets the framework to address and explain trends in public education . . . keeps the story moving quickly and squeezes debatable issues like teenage drug use into the cracks of a fast-moving plot. It is a commendable first effort."-"The Jackson Hole News" "Gilmore does an excellent job of taking us into the world of high-school journalism. As the class examines school violence, drugs, and freedom of the press, we get a good look at the San Diego setting as well as the problems of modern high schools."-"Heartland Review"
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