"A marvelous book, a great gift for young people of your acquaintance. But be sure to get a copy for yourself as well." -- First Things Written for young Catholics, not-so-young Catholics, and curious souls of any religious persuasion or none, Letters to a Young Catholic conveys the power of a faith that is at once personal and universal, timely, and eternal. George Weigel invites readers on an extraordinary journey to the building blocks of Catholic faith, taking us to landmarks as diverse as Chartres Cathedral and St. Mary's Church in Greenville, South Carolina; from the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem to G. K. Chesterton's favorite pub; from the grave of a modern martyr in Warsaw to the Sistine Chapel. Weigel also examines the intangible, though not less concrete, foundations of the faith, such as grace, prayer, sin and forgiveness, suffering, and-most important-love. Letters to a Young Catholic will inspire not only the emerging generation of Catholics whose World Youth Day celebrations have launched an era of renewal for the Church, but also the faithful, the doubtful, and the searchers of every age.
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