David Reed是计算机科学系的副教授,就职于美国克雷顿大学内布拉斯加州奥马哈校区。他于1992年在杜克大学获得计算机科学的硕士和博士学位,此后在杜克大学和狄金森学院从事教学和指导研究多年,并于2000年加入克雷顿大学。他的主要兴趣是人工智能、编程语言和计算机教育。针对学徒式教学方法、Web编程和创新教学方法在计算机科学导论课程中的应用,他曾发表了大量论文。他是自由艺术计算机科学协会成员,并从2004年起担任计算机大学预修课程考试的首席审卷人。
A Balanced Introduction to Computer Science 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
For Introduction to Computing and the Web courses in departments of Math and Computer Science. This thoughtfully written text uses the Internet as a central theme, studying its history, technology, and current use. Experimental problems use Web-based tools, enabling students to learn programming fundamentals by developing their own interactive Web pages with HTML and JavaScript. Integrating breadth-based and depth-based chapters, Reed covers a broad range of topics balanced with programming depth in a hands-on, tutorial style. Supplements Include: * Power Point Lecture Slides* Figures* Labs* Solutions Bridge Page: www.prenhall.com/reed Author Website: www.dave-reed.com/book
A Balanced Introduction to Computer Science 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书