加雷•加勒特(Garet Garrett,1878—1954年),美國著名記者、暢銷書作傢。1903年,年輕的加勒特已經成為《紐約太陽報》的知名記者,並在1911年齣版瞭一本異常成功的暢銷書《金錢生長的地方》,從此聲名大噪;1920年至1933年,加勒特將主要精力都放在瞭寫作上,並於1932年齣版瞭超級暢銷書《美國金融泡沫史》。
The burden of Europe's private debt to this country is now greater than the burden of her war debt; and the war debt, with arrears of interest, is greater than it was the day the peace was signed. And it is not Europe alone. Debt was the economic terror of the world when the war ended. How to pay it was the colossal problem. -from "Cosmology of the Bubble" The names of the players are different, but these cautionary essays about massive national debt-written in the long wake of World War I and as the Great Depression was starting to make its horrible power fully known-are still fully applicable today. A powerful libertarian voice of the early 20th century, Garet Garrett, writing originally in the Saturday Evening Post, warned about the extension of American credit to a Europe staggering under a massive debt leftover from the financing of World War I... a situation echoed, if reversed, today as the overextended United States continues her rampant borrowing. Collected in book form, Garrett's writings are a cry for a retreat from financial insanity, a clear-eyed look at a complicated and little understood era of financial history, and perhaps an ominous warning for today. American journalist GARET GARRETT (1878-1954) also wrote The American Omen (1928), Rise of Empire (1941), and Garet Garrett's: The People's Pottage (later retitled Ex America) (1951).
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(美國經典財經名著,深刻剖析全球金融泡沫根源,全景展現20世紀美國超級泡沫的形成、膨脹與破裂,精準預言“羅斯福式新政”的真正後果!經濟學傢穆瑞·羅斯巴德推薦閱讀) 很有藉鑒意義啊 不光是組織,對於個人來說,也有重要啓示
評分 評分本想從圖書館搞一本虛擬經濟相關的書應付公共課作業,陰差陽錯地藉瞭它。唉,虧它看上去那麼新潮,結果是80年前的老書瞭。不過將錯就錯讀讀也蠻有趣的。 開頭的兩章算是金融學的知識普及吧,信貸的原理、銀行怎麼運作資金、泡沫怎麼産生什麼的。中間講瞭美國在二三十年代一係列...
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