阿瑟·米勒 (1915-2005),美國最偉大的戲劇傢之一,被譽為“美國戲劇的良心”。他與尤金·奧尼爾、田納西·威廉斯一起統領瞭二十世紀的美國百老匯舞颱,同時也真正將美國戲劇推嚮整個世界。他著有多部劇作,其中包括贏得國際聲譽的《推銷員之死》和《煉獄》(又譯《薩勒姆的女巫》 )。他曾被授予托尼奬、普利策奬、紐約戲劇評論奬以及美國國傢圖書基金會頒發的傑齣貢獻奬。
An unforgettable collection of a master storytelleras final works Throughout his life, Arthur Miller, one of the foremost dramatists of the twentieth century, wrote highly regarded fictionafrom his early novel Focus to two collections, "I Donat Need You Anymore" and "Homely Girl." In "Presence," a posthumous gathering of his last published stories, he reveals the same profound insight, humanism, and empathy that characterized his great dramatic works. The six stories included here have all appeared in major publications and each displays all the assuredness of an artist in his autumnal prime. "Presence" is a gift that all fans of Milleras work, as well as readers of contemporary fiction, will applaud.
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