One of the world's most ruthless warriors, Chinggis Khan conquered nearly all of Asia in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, transforming the scattered and impoverished Mongols into an exceptionally proud and powerful nation. In this riveting and thoroughly researched portrait, Japan's celebrated epic novelist drives at the root of the khan's great desires and insatiable appetite for supremacy. Beginning with his birth in 1162, The Blue Wolf follows the crucial alliances that led to Chinggis Khan's great campaigns in North China, Bukhara, and Samarkand, as well as the state of Khorazm. The khan was obsessed with his ancestry, not knowing whether he was the descendent of the blue wolf (mythical progenitor of the Mongols and the noble Borjigin line) or merely the bastard son of a Merkid tribesman. For Inoue Yasushi, Chinggis's ancestral anxiety lies at the center of his relentless push for empire. He struggled with his paternity as intensely as he fought his battles, and his victories stood as proof that the brave warrior was a true Mongol. The question of paternity also formed the largest wedge between Chinggis and his eldest son, Jochi, a boy born in captivity and of similarly questionable heritage. Hailed for its sophistication and rich imagining of a remote world, The Blue Wolf puts a human cast on a legendary force that changed Asia and the world.
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成吉思汗,這個名字在歐洲文化中意味著野蠻殘忍掃蕩一切。在中國,尤其清末反而成瞭英雄,一來他消滅清朝祖先的金國又無侵略漢人的宋朝,二來他讓西方聞其名色變打造無雙的帝國。是以,反清誌士紛紛推崇之。 可是在一衣帶水的倭國卻也對其頂禮膜拜。近來讀瞭倭國曆史小說名...
評分 評分說實在的雖然比較崇拜井上靖可對此書一直無感覺,也許是因為白描的地方太多有的場麵太略的緣故吧。不過不管怎麼說也比今年日本拍的那部電影好太多瞭……
評分我看的譯本名字就叫一代天驕~ 細節記不清瞭,井上靖的小說都很值得收藏,遲早要買迴來的~最好能夠買到那個舊版。 井上靖寫瞭那麼多關於中國的書,如此的細緻深刻,真讓人懷疑日本人有時候比中國人還更瞭解自己。
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