西蒙·塞巴格·蒙蒂菲奥里(Simon Sebag Montefiore),犹太人贵族,和皇室有血缘关系。著有多部荣获大奖的畅销书,现已翻译为超过四十八种语言出版。作品包括《叶卡捷琳娜大帝与波将金》(入选塞缪尔·约翰逊奖、达夫·库珀奖、马希传记奖短名单),《斯大林:红色沙皇的宫廷》(荣获英国 图书奖的年度历史图书奖),《青年斯大林》(荣获英国科斯塔传记奖、美国《洛杉矶时报》传记奖、法国政治传记大奖和奥地利克莱斯基政治文学奖)。《耶路撒冷三千年》获美国犹太图书理事会“年度好书”奖。《罗曼诺夫皇朝》是全球级畅销书,入选《纽约时报》十大好书榜单,并荣获意大利“卢皮凯亚·德尔·特里奇奥文学奖”。 其作品在西方有不同看法。
吴亚敏,北京第二外国语学院文学学士,厦门大学历史学硕士。 喜读书爱运动好旅游,钟情雪山冰川湖泊森林。译有小说《人虎》和“莫斯科三部曲”。
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评分本书是英国历史学家、《耶路撒冷三千年》《罗曼诺夫皇朝》和《青年斯大林》等书的作者西蒙·蒙蒂菲奥里(Simon Montefiore)写的一部现代历史小说。故事取材于20世纪俄罗斯的三个历史时期的三个典型的时间段——罗曼诺夫帝国末期、苏联中期和现代俄罗斯早期。 小说分为三个部分...
In the bestselling tradition of "Doctor Zhivago" and "Sophie's Choice, " a sweeping epic of Russia from the last days of the Tsars to today's age of oligarchs -- by the prizewinning author of "Young Stalin."Winter 1916: St. Petersburg, Russia, is on the brink of revolution. Outside the Smolny Institute for Noble Girls, an English governess is waiting for her young charge to be released from school. But so are the Tsar's secret police...Beautiful and headstrong, Sashenka Zeitlin is just sixteen. As her mother parties with Rasputin and their dissolute friends, Sashenka slips into the frozen night to play her part in a dangerous game of conspiracy and seduction.Twenty years on, Sashenka is married to a powerful, rising Red leader with whom she has two children. Around her people are disappearing, while in the secret world of the elite her own family is safe. But she's about to embark on a forbidden love affair that will have devastating consequences.Sashenka's story lies hidden for half a century, until a young historian goes deep into Stalin's private archives and uncovers a heartbreaking tale of betrayal and redemption, savage cruelty and unexpected heroism -- and one woman forced to make an unbearable choice.
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