傑奎琳·諾佛葛拉茲(Jacqueline Novogratz)斯坦福大學MBA,非營利投資機構“聰明人基金”(Acumen Fund)創辦人兼CEO,該基金旨在解決全球貧睏問題,目前已在紐約、肯尼亞、印度和巴基斯坦等地設立辦事處,為非洲和南亞地區的貧睏民眾提供飲水、住房、醫療和能源等基本民生服務。身為不斷創業的拓荒者,她被稱為“華爾街的良心”,並與2006年諾貝爾和平奬得主、孟加拉國窮人銀行創始人尤努斯一起,被視為“社會企業傢”的代錶人物。傑奎琳經常往來世界各地,目前居住在紐約。
"The Blue Sweater" is the inspiring story of a woman who left a career in international banking to spend her life on a quest to understand global poverty and find powerful new ways of tackling it. It all started back home in Virginia, with the blue sweater, a gift that quickly became her prized possession--until the day she outgrew it and gave it away to Goodwill. Eleven years later in Africa, she spotted a young boy wearing that very sweater, with her name still on the tag inside. That the sweater had made its trek all the way to Rwanda was ample evidence, she thought, of how we are all connected, how our actions--and inaction--touch people every day across the globe, people we may never know or meet.From her first stumbling efforts as a young idealist venturing forth in Africa to the creation of the trailblazing organization she runs today, Novogratz tells gripping stories with unforgettable characters--women dancing in a Nairobi slum, unwed mothers starting a bakery, courageous survivors of the Rwandan genocide, entrepreneurs building services for the poor against impossible odds. She shows, in ways both hilarious and heartbreaking, how traditional charity often fails, but how a new form of philanthropic investing called "patient capital" can help make people self-sufficient and can change millions of lives. More than just an autobiography or a how-to guide to addressing poverty, "The Blue Sweater" is a call to action that challenges us to grant dignity to the poor and to rethink our engagement with the world.
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授人以魚,不如授之以漁,授人以魚隻救一時之及,授人以漁則可解一生之需。 ——《老子》 一、關懷——即使你很渺小 Jacqueline在20多歲的大好年華裏,放棄瞭前途無限的金融工作,隻為瞭實現兒時的夢想:為這個世界的改變做齣一些努...
評分13Fall的一門選課International Development上的Reading,Book Review是結課作業的一部分,以下。 The book Blue Sweater shows us the path of Jacqueline’s 20 years’ working experiences in the third world and many thought ‐‑ provoking ideas she originated a...
評分花瞭不到一周的時間看完瞭《藍毛衣》,這本書給人的感覺正如它的名字一樣,溫暖,意義非凡。 當大部分人在抱怨世界的不公平,且將不滿停留在嘴上時,作者傑奎琳在20多年前就勇敢的踏齣瞭第一步。因為她有著堅定的信念,深切的同理心,強烈的願望,超乎尋常的毅力和行動力...
評分這本書,從一件藍毛衣開始,以作者多年從事慈善事業的經曆和感悟為主要內容,但書中的一切沒有結束,還在繼續。 藍毛衣告訴我們,這個世界裏,我們所有人都是互相關聯的,你不知道身邊擦肩而過的人是否和你通過著某種途徑互相關聯。因此,在用更廣闊的視野去觀察時,我們應該...
圖書標籤: 社會企業 公益創投 傳記
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