格伦•贝克(Glenn Beck)生于1964年10月,被誉为美国保守派的头号政治评论家。同时,他也是当红电视与电台主持人,以他自己的名字命名的脱口秀节目The Glenn Beck Program于2006年5月开始在CNN电视频道开播,每天有超过1000万观人观看。此外,他的广播节目在美国各地超过260个频道播放。他也是《融合》杂志的主办人,并且是《时代周刊》的主笔。除了极其畅销的政治评论著作《常识:反对一个失控的美国》(该书中文版已于2010年3月由法律出版社出版),他还出版有根据亲身经历改写的畅销小说《圣诞毛衣》(中文版即将上市)。他是《纽约时报》畅销书排行榜的常驻作家,曾以不同的作品连续六次排名第一。本书也连续3月居于该榜成人科幻类榜单第一位,并长达30余周高居美国亚马逊书店畅销书总榜前15名。
The Overton Window 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
美国人总是自诩为世界警察,天天想着拯救世界,拯救地球,甚至是拯救宇宙。 说实话,一开始看到这种题材满是激动,后来有些麻木,再后来很讨厌这一类套路的小说、电影、电视剧…… 然后看晚间的电视剧,充斥眼球的不过是拯救门派、拯救王朝……突然就觉得,不...
评分美国人总是自诩为世界警察,天天想着拯救世界,拯救地球,甚至是拯救宇宙。 说实话,一开始看到这种题材满是激动,后来有些麻木,再后来很讨厌这一类套路的小说、电影、电视剧…… 然后看晚间的电视剧,充斥眼球的不过是拯救门派、拯救王朝……突然就觉得,不...
评分美国人总是自诩为世界警察,天天想着拯救世界,拯救地球,甚至是拯救宇宙。 说实话,一开始看到这种题材满是激动,后来有些麻木,再后来很讨厌这一类套路的小说、电影、电视剧…… 然后看晚间的电视剧,充斥眼球的不过是拯救门派、拯救王朝……突然就觉得,不...
评分美国人总是自诩为世界警察,天天想着拯救世界,拯救地球,甚至是拯救宇宙。 说实话,一开始看到这种题材满是激动,后来有些麻木,再后来很讨厌这一类套路的小说、电影、电视剧…… 然后看晚间的电视剧,充斥眼球的不过是拯救门派、拯救王朝……突然就觉得,不...
评分美国人总是自诩为世界警察,天天想着拯救世界,拯救地球,甚至是拯救宇宙。 说实话,一开始看到这种题材满是激动,后来有些麻木,再后来很讨厌这一类套路的小说、电影、电视剧…… 然后看晚间的电视剧,充斥眼球的不过是拯救门派、拯救王朝……突然就觉得,不...
A plan to destroy America, a hundred years in the making, is about to be unleashed . . . can it be stopped?
There is a powerful technique called the Overton Window that can shape our lives, our laws, and our future. It works by manipulating public perception so that ideas previously thought of as radical begin to seem acceptable over time. Move the Window and you change the debate. Change the debate and you change the country.
For Noah Gardner, a twentysomething public relations executive, it's safe to say that political theory is the furthest thing from his mind. Smart, single, handsome, and insulated from the world's problems by the wealth and power of his father, Noah is far more concerned about the future of his social life than the future of his country.
But all of that changes when Noah meets Molly Ross, a woman who is consumed by the knowledge that the America we know is about to be lost forever. She and her group of patriots have vowed to remember the past and fight for the future--but Noah, convinced they're just misguided conspiracy-theorists, isn't interested in lending his considerable skills to their cause.
And then the world changes.
An unprecedented attack on U.S. soil shakes the country to the core and puts into motion a frightening plan, decades in the making, to transform America and demonize all those who stand in the way. Amidst the chaos, many don't know the difference between conspiracy theory and conspiracy fact--or, more important, which side to fight for.
But for Noah, the choice is clear: Exposing the plan, and revealing the conspirators behind it, is the only way to save both the woman he loves and the individual freedoms he once took for granted.
After five back-to-back #1 New York Times bestsellers, national radio and Fox News television host Glenn Beck has delivered a ripped-from-the-headlines thriller that seamlessly weaves together American history, frightening facts about our present condition, and a heart-stopping plot. The Overton Window will educate, enlighten, and, most important, entertain--with twists and revelations
no one will see coming. (edited by author)
The Overton Window 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书