Seeing the Light 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
This is a book on filmmaking but it is also much more, Broughton being
first a poet: it is a book about how to see the light beyond the camera, the
light which doesn't register on any light-meter but must register on any
filmmaker if his work is to rise above pure celluloid.
-Lawrence Ferlinghetti
For thirty years James Broughton has sustained the vitality and freshness
of vision that make him the grand classic master of Independent Cinema.
-Film Culture
For me Broughton belongs in the pantheon which contains Vigo,
Dovzhenko, Kirsanov, Brakhage and Bunuel.
-Basil Wright
You have here one of the great filmmakers of all time.
-Peter Kubelka
This book of yours is a clear classic. The whole work rides through the
streets of movieland shooting pistolaros at the sky and making THE
-Stan Brakhage
James Broughton is a poet, philosopher, and a political thinker who
believes in 'ecstasies for everybody'. . .What one learns most of all in his
presence is an attitude, a way of looking at the world; and perhaps, if one
is a serious artist, one might learn the ways of the courageous. . .
-Carmen Vigil
Seeing the Light 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书