The Secret Garden, written by Frances Hodgson Burnett, is a charming book about a girl named Mary Lennox. She is a spoiled and sickly child who lives in India. When her parents die because of a cholera epidemic, she moves to Misselthwaite Manor to live with her rich uncle in England. Things are a definite change for her. Slowly she becomes stronger and starts to take an interest in the outdoors. She meets all sorts of people like Martha, Dickon, and Colin. Martha is a maid on the grounds who has taken a fancy to Mary, and Dickon is her brother. Dickon is quite an unusual fellow. He possesses the ability to talk to animals and is able to grow anything with a little bit of soil. Colin, who you will meet later in the story, is a child who has basically given up the will to live, believing he is doomed to be a hunchback like his father. Strong-willed Mary reprimands him and takes matters into her own hands. Mary has all kinds of adventures with strange sounds at night, funny accents, and a locked garden. The Secret Garden is a wonderful book about friendship, determination, and perseverence.
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With the best that was in me I have tried to write some happiness into the world. --- Frances Hodgson Burnett As long as one has a garden one has a future, and if one has a future one is alive. One of the new things people began to find out in the last ce...
評分這個故事也深具童書的特點: 1.開頭吸引人,很快地女孩一傢死光瞭。 2.故事中小姑娘在不斷成長。 3.故事中留有不少懸疑,如房間裏的哭聲,被鎖起來的花園,沉默的姑夫 4.大自然帶來的生命氣息。 5.交朋友,與朋友一起分享快樂。 6.對弱小者的同情。 7.遠離成人世界,保持孩子的...
評分一個偶然的機會,開始讀《秘密花園》。這本書是小學英文科閱讀書單上的常客。 讀瞭三個晚上,讀完瞭。讀時手不釋捲,找迴閱讀的沉溺,很珍惜。 這是一本很有年頭的書,單行本齣版於1911年,距今正好一百年。不過讀起來沒有陳舊的感覺,隻有屬於那個時代的沉靜和甜美。 ...
評分喜歡!沒有縹緲的愛情,沒有世俗的性,沒有世間的嘈雜,卻用大自然的魔力和支持拯救瞭人的心靈。 幾年前讀過,最近復讀。感觸頗深! 兩個不受人愛戴的小公主和小王爺,她們可以擁有所有她們想要的東西和順從除瞭愛!她們生活在一個叫牧爾的荒野,但是她們找到瞭愛、...
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