粒子的统计物理学 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
图书标签: 统计物理 物理 粒子物理 粒子物理7 QS MIT #Physics
《粒子的统计物理学》内容简介:Statistical physics has its origins in attempts to describe the thermal propertiesof matter in terms of its constituent particles, and has played a fundamentalrole in the development of quantum mechanics. It describes how new behavioremerges from interactions of many degrees of freedom, and as such has foundapplications outside physics in engineering, social sciences, and, increasingly,in biological sciences. This textbook introduces the Central concepts and toolsof statistical physics. It includes a chapter on probability and related issues'such as the central limit theorem and information theory, not usually coveredin existing texts. The book also covers interacting particles, and includes a extensive description of the van der Waals equation and its derivation bymean-field approximation. A companion volume, Statistical Physics of Fields,discusses non-mean field aspects of scaling and critical phenomena, throughthe perspective of renormalization group.
粒子的统计物理学 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书