Dr. Travis S.K. Kong received his PhD in sociology from the University of Essex and currently a assistant professor at University of Hong Kong.
Chinese Male Homosexualities 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
据我了解华人开展的针对华人同性恋群体的社会学研究目前还比较少,而本书作者前后历经十余年矢志不渝地关注海内外华人男星同性恋群体,并且站在了社会学、人类学和跨文化交流的高度分析讨论该问题,这样的著作入选Routledge中国研究系列,名实相符。 我是怀着对同性恋群体的好...
评分据我了解华人开展的针对华人同性恋群体的社会学研究目前还比较少,而本书作者前后历经十余年矢志不渝地关注海内外华人男星同性恋群体,并且站在了社会学、人类学和跨文化交流的高度分析讨论该问题,这样的著作入选Routledge中国研究系列,名实相符。 我是怀着对同性恋群体的好...
评分据我了解华人开展的针对华人同性恋群体的社会学研究目前还比较少,而本书作者前后历经十余年矢志不渝地关注海内外华人男星同性恋群体,并且站在了社会学、人类学和跨文化交流的高度分析讨论该问题,这样的著作入选Routledge中国研究系列,名实相符。 我是怀着对同性恋群体的好...
评分据我了解华人开展的针对华人同性恋群体的社会学研究目前还比较少,而本书作者前后历经十余年矢志不渝地关注海内外华人男星同性恋群体,并且站在了社会学、人类学和跨文化交流的高度分析讨论该问题,这样的著作入选Routledge中国研究系列,名实相符。 我是怀着对同性恋群体的好...
评分据我了解华人开展的针对华人同性恋群体的社会学研究目前还比较少,而本书作者前后历经十余年矢志不渝地关注海内外华人男星同性恋群体,并且站在了社会学、人类学和跨文化交流的高度分析讨论该问题,这样的著作入选Routledge中国研究系列,名实相符。 我是怀着对同性恋群体的好...
图书标签: 社会学 性别研究 sexuality 同志 华人 sociology Prostitution 英文书籍
This book presents a groundbreaking exploration of masculinities and homosexualities amongst Chinese gay men. It provides a sociological account of masculinity, desire, sexuality, identity and citizenship in contemporary Chinese societies, and within the constellation of global culture.
Kong reports the results of an extensive ethnographic study of contemporary Chinese gay men in a wide range of different locations including mainland China, Hong Kong and the Chinese overseas community in London, showing how Chinese gay men live their everyday lives. Relating Chinese male homosexuality to the extensive social and cultural theories on gender, sexuality and the body, postcolonialism and globalisation, the book examines the idea of queer space and numerous 'queer flows' – of capital, bodies, ideas, images, and commodities – around the world.
The book concludes that different gay male identities – such as the conspicuously consuming memba in Hong Kong, the urban tongzhi, the 'money boy' in China and the feminised 'golden boy' in London – emerge in different locations, and are all caught up in the transnational flow of queer cultures which are at once local and global.
整本书由福柯的权力既是repressive又是productive的观点统摄。全球化下各地中国人作为性公民的主体化,是如何being-made和self-making。展现出结构与个体互动从而形塑身份的过程。MB一章有亮点。“The condom holds a special symbolic meaning for these money boys. It seems to be the way to demarcate their work and their private selves……Having unprotected sex with love, ironically, thus becomes the most dangerous sex act.” (p190)
评分Chap.7 Sex and work in a queer time and place
评分Queer diaspora可以看看(也许加上sex work和部分关于家庭问题的材料),其他部分实在是了无新意,而且部分地方的论证脑补略多了。
评分整本书由福柯的权力既是repressive又是productive的观点统摄。全球化下各地中国人作为性公民的主体化,是如何being-made和self-making。展现出结构与个体互动从而形塑身份的过程。MB一章有亮点。“The condom holds a special symbolic meaning for these money boys. It seems to be the way to demarcate their work and their private selves……Having unprotected sex with love, ironically, thus becomes the most dangerous sex act.” (p190)
Chinese Male Homosexualities 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书