Elizabeth Castro(人稱Liz)是享譽世界的技術作傢,居住在西班牙。她自己創辦瞭一傢名為Pagina Uno的齣版社。除本書外,她還撰寫瞭有關XML、Perl、博客、iPhoto等方麵的計算機圖書,均廣受歡迎。
Want to learn how to build Web sites fast? This best-selling guide's visual format and step-by-step, task-based instructions will have you up and running with HTML5 and CSS3 in no time. This Seventh Edition is a major revision, with approximately 125 pages added and substantial updates to (or complete rewrites of) nearly every page from the preceding edition. Authors Elizabeth Castro and Bruce Hyslop use clear instructions, friendly prose, and real-world code samples to teach you HTML and CSS from the ground up. Over the course of 21 chapters you will learn how to: * Write semantic HTML, both with elements that have been around for years and ones that are new in HTML5.* Prepare images for the Web and add them to your pages.* Use CSS to style text, add background colors and images, and implement a multicolumn layout.* Build a single site for all users--whether they are using a mobile phone, tablet, laptop, desktop computer, or other Web-enabled device--based on many of the components of responsive Web design, including CSS3 media queries.* Leverage new selectors in CSS3, add Web fonts to your pages with @font-face, and use CSS3 effects such as opacity, background alpha transparency, gradients, rounded corners, drop shadows, shadows inside elements, text shadows, and multiple background images.* Improve your site's accessibility with ARIA landmark roles and other good coding practices.* Build forms to solicit input from your visitors.* Include media in your pages with the HTML5 audio and video elements.* Test and debug your Web pages.* Secure a domain name and publish your site. And much more! All book code samples and more are available on the companion web site.
HTML5 & CSS3 Visual QuickStart Guide 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載
很棒的入門書籍,知識點較為係統,而且與時俱進,書中給的參考鏈接也讓讀者可以補充前端開發的其他知識。有趣的是,書中多次提到 IE8(及以下)份額減少瞭,看來兼容 IE8 這種事作者都是不太願意的????。看完感覺像是打通瞭任督二脈,似醍醐灌頂。不過呢,書還是比較基礎的,所...
評分最近打算入門html,看大傢評價都不錯,所以選瞭這本書。 目前看瞭大概一半。覺得確實是本入門好書。圖文並茂對於展示(x)html/css的效果是必不可少的,難得的是每條tag講解的都很詳細,並且對各瀏覽器的支持情況討論的也很詳細。 這本書也可以當作語法手冊和兼容性指導來查。...
評分很棒的入門書籍,知識點較為係統,而且與時俱進,書中給的參考鏈接也讓讀者可以補充前端開發的其他知識。有趣的是,書中多次提到 IE8(及以下)份額減少瞭,看來兼容 IE8 這種事作者都是不太願意的????。看完感覺像是打通瞭任督二脈,似醍醐灌頂。不過呢,書還是比較基礎的,所...
評分這本書的原版不清楚,但是翻譯版的第八版來說翻譯有的地方差強人意。有些拗口,這本書對於有一定基礎的人來說顯得有些囉嗦,囉嗦主要體現在每個段落中的瞭括號,括號裏寫瞭不少無關緊要的東西,不過看的齣來作者確實寫的很用心。 另一個有問題的地方我感覺就是插圖,原版可能是...
評分這本書的原版不清楚,但是翻譯版的第八版來說翻譯有的地方差強人意。有些拗口,這本書對於有一定基礎的人來說顯得有些囉嗦,囉嗦主要體現在每個段落中的瞭括號,括號裏寫瞭不少無關緊要的東西,不過看的齣來作者確實寫的很用心。 另一個有問題的地方我感覺就是插圖,原版可能是...
圖書標籤: web開發 design 設計 UX 前端技術 M2B CD
HTML5 & CSS3 Visual QuickStart Guide 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載