奧利弗·薩剋斯(Oliver Sacks,1933年— ),經驗豐富的神經病學專傢,具有詩人氣質的科學傢,在醫學和文學領域均享有盛譽。他擅長以紀實文學的形式,充滿人文關懷的筆觸,將腦神經病人的臨床案例,寫成一個個深刻感人的故事,被書評傢譽為本世紀難得一見的“神經文學傢”,被《紐約時報》譽為“醫學桂冠詩人”。
"The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat" is populated by a cast as strange as that of the most fantastic fiction. The subject of this strange and wonderful book is what happens when things go wrong with parts of the brain most of us don't know exist ...Dr Sacks shows the awesome powers of our mind and just how delicately balanced they have to be' - "Sunday Times". 'Who is this book for? Who is it not for? It is for everybody who has felt from time to time that certain twinge of self-identity and sensed how easily, at any moment, one might lose it' - "The Times". 'This is, in the best sense, a serious book. It is, indeed, a wonderful book, by which I mean not only that it is excellent (which it is) but also that it is full of wonder, wonders and wondering. He brings to these often unhappy people understanding, sympathy and respect. Sacks is always learning from his patients, marvelling at them, widening his own understanding and ours' - "Punch".
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什麼樣的人算是精神病人? 有時候,做一個“知道分子”也是一種痛苦。 如果我們每天登陸圍脖,如果我們每天關注新聞,如果我們每天看著小組討論……那麼或許我們會發現,我們生活的世界是這樣的骯髒和混亂,甚至沒有讓人呼吸的空間。 幾個月前,又或者...
評分書中描寫瞭患有各種科薩科夫綜閤癥,失認癥,失語癥,說笑癥,圖雷特癥,第六感,本題感受,等諸多,至少我沒有機會接觸的那一群病人。 我對他們的處境好奇又憐憫,卻不覺得可怕。 他們的有些行為舉動在我們“正常人”看來或許特彆誇張和不知所雲,但是,在他們的內心世界裏早...
評分這本書還是比較不錯的,但不是講精神病的 作者也沒有說自己研究是精神病人,而是神經心理學 或者說,右腦創傷的人,因為右腦掌管我們的思維包括藝術 創造等等 人體就是一個精密的儀器,可是我們有心靈 有意識,我們人體在幾韆年進化時光中,給我們人類創造瞭最好的 身體結構,...
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