哥倫比亞大學醫學心理教授。1965年開始寫作此書,花瞭約莫七年半的光景,終於完成瞭這本心理學界的曠世巨著《奇跡課程》 (A Course in Miracles)。
It is important for you to know that this is the only complete original edition of A Course in Miracles that the Scribe, Dr. Helen Schucman, authorized to be published by the Foundation for Inner Peace in 1975.
Other books with titles such as "The Original Edition" or the "Unedited Edition" contain unsanctioned material from a first or second draft of the Course which Dr. Schucman deleted since it was not meant to be part of the published Course.
Only this edition from the Foundation for Inner Peace includes the following copyrighted material: the " Preface", "the Clarification of Terms", and "the Supplements", which Dr. Schucman also scribed. The Supplements are extensions of the Course principles and are titled "Song of Prayer" and "Psychotherapy: Purpose, Process and Practice."
The Course, as it is published in this edition and used by three million students worldwide, is a complete self-study spiritual thought system that teaches forgiveness as the road to inner peace and the remembrance of God.
A Course in Miracles is available in 25 languages.
the English edition is avialable in hardcover, softcover (9"X6") and paperback (8"X5").
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這是一本需要有耐心慢慢讀的書。沒有全部讀完,偶爾會去翻一下。 記,終結我靈性路上探索的一本書 整整兩年的時間,我把這兩年的時間用來讀和靈性有關的書籍,當然也饒瞭不少彎。現在市麵上靈性哲學的書籍越來越多瞭,而在眾多書籍中,這本就好像是聖壇中遙不可及的聖書。我喜...
評分你如此痛苦,是違背自己的本來麵目。原來的你是如此純潔無瑕,晶瑩剔透,睿智,慈悲,寜靜喜悅。 每一次的痛苦都是內在的你,在嚮你伸齣手,提醒你。我們該迴傢瞭。不要耽擱在路上。 你如此痛苦,是因為把原來的自己丟瞭。把原來的自己擁有的部分,現在沒有的特質投射彆人身上...
圖書標籤: 英文
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