British economist ALFRED MARSHALL (1842-1924) was one of the most prominent thinkers of his age on the philosophy of finance, and this, considered his greatest work, was for years the standard text on the subject. First published in 1890, it serves as an excellent primer on such topics as: basic economic laws the purpose of economic studies fundamental concepts including wealth, production, consumption, labor, income, capital, and others understanding consumer demand an introduction to market studies and much more. This replica of the 1920 eighth edition is completely unabridged, and features the vital Mathematical Appendix, including all of Marshall's equations and diagrams.
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亞當斯密的《國富論》是經濟學發軔的開山之著,之前他寫的《道德情操論》同樣偉大。探究逐利的人性基本衝動的同時,寄希望於人類對公正和道德的不懈追求。所以受經典馬剋思主義理論教化成長起來的我們,在初看到亞當斯密左手是資本,右手是道德時,頗狐疑。 一路上左右顧盼紛...
評分亞當斯密的《國富論》是經濟學發軔的開山之著,之前他寫的《道德情操論》同樣偉大。探究逐利的人性基本衝動的同時,寄希望於人類對公正和道德的不懈追求。所以受經典馬剋思主義理論教化成長起來的我們,在初看到亞當斯密左手是資本,右手是道德時,頗狐疑。 一路上左右顧盼紛...
評分這本書堪稱神書。第一章緒論快看完瞭,有幾段極為深刻。 下麵這段簡直就是描述現在中國的各種北漂,上漂,廣漂的。 他們以愛上帝和人類為樂事,他們甚至還許有某種自然的情感方麵的修養,所以他們所過的生活可能比許多有較多物質財富的人的生活更為充實。不過,話雖如此,他們...
評分--Alfred Marshall's Principles of Economics When I started reading this monograph, I was totally awed. This edition looks special (Unabridged Eighth Edition); the content looks special (all in sentences instead of adjectives and nouns); the appendices ...
評分我在豆瓣電子書上,試讀瞭兩個版本的《經濟學原理》。一個是宇琦翻譯的(,一個就是這本。 我發現章洞易譯本在開頭章節有幾個缺點:1)較之宇琦的版本少瞭一些圖錶、注釋(可能來自原文);2)譯文讀取來比較以生硬,有些章節甚至難以...
圖書標籤: 經濟學 原版 Economics 英國 經濟學 歐洲
People say this book aggregates Economics. But actually it doesn't. The main idea is only marginal analysis repeating many times. This book lacked rigor of mathematical deduction and on the other hand, lacked cogent illustration as in Wealth of Nations. Still a great book to read.
評分People say this book aggregates Economics. But actually it doesn't. The main idea is only marginal analysis repeating many times. This book lacked rigor of mathematical deduction and on the other hand, lacked cogent illustration as in Wealth of Nations. Still a great book to read.
評分People say this book aggregates Economics. But actually it doesn't. The main idea is only marginal analysis repeating many times. This book lacked rigor of mathematical deduction and on the other hand, lacked cogent illustration as in Wealth of Nations. Still a great book to read.
評分People say this book aggregates Economics. But actually it doesn't. The main idea is only marginal analysis repeating many times. This book lacked rigor of mathematical deduction and on the other hand, lacked cogent illustration as in Wealth of Nations. Still a great book to read.
評分People say this book aggregates Economics. But actually it doesn't. The main idea is only marginal analysis repeating many times. This book lacked rigor of mathematical deduction and on the other hand, lacked cogent illustration as in Wealth of Nations. Still a great book to read.
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