"The Mill on the Floss" is George Eliot's 1860 novel, which tells the story of Tom and Maggie Tulliver, a brother and sister growing up on the river Floss near the village of St. Oggs. Set in the early 1800s over a period of ten to fifteen years, "The Mill on the Floss" follows the two main characters from childhood. Central to the theme of the novel is the struggle of man between spiritual determinism and free will. A classic work of 19th century literature, "The Mill on the Floss" remains a popular and enduring example of George Eliot's impact on English literature.
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工作瞭就是不行,一本長篇也能看上將近半年,估計換在大學,導師早就變成“叫獸”瞭~ 目前終於看完,所以簡短盤點一下此書的長短,供後來讀者參閱: 1、GeorgeEliot在大學的時候,隻是略微帶過,其實這是一個大遺憾。為什麼?因為她的文筆實在很適閤需要修煉自己英文寫作的...
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