範達因(S.S.Van Dine),美國推理小說之父,《菲洛·萬斯探案集》是他惟一的代錶作,也是古典推理小說的集大成之作。他將推理小說中的理性成分演繹到極至,這個成就“前無古人,後無來者”。範達因所撰寫的《推理小說二十條守則》是推理小說史上最全麵、最完整、最嚴謹的寫作戒律,同時也被奎恩等後來者奉為指導其畢生寫作的“聖經”。
The story involves a series of murders taking place in a wealthy neighborhood of New York. The first murder, of a Mr. Joseph Cochrane Robin who is found pierced by an arrow, is accompanied by a note signed "The Bishop" with an extract from the nursery rhyme Who Killed Cock Robin. This crime takes place at the home of an elderly physicist with a beautiful young ward and a private archery range. District Attorney Markham finds the circumstances so unusual that he asks his friend Philo Vance to advise upon the psychological aspects of the crime. Further murders connected with the family and neighbours of the physicist are accompanied with similar extracts from Mother Goose, such as the case of Johnny Sprigg, "who was shot through the middle of his wig, wig, wig." Midway through the book, an elderly woman confesses to the crimes, but this possibility is discounted by the police for physical reasons and by Philo Vance for psychological ones. The kidnapping and confinement of a little Miss Moffatt is luckily discovered by Vance and the police before the child suffocates in the closet in which she has been locked. Vance finally realizes the significance of one character's pointed reference to The Pretenders, a play written by Henrik Ibsen. Bishop Arnesson, of Oslo, was a prominent character in Ibsen's play. Vance arranges a spectacular finale in which the criminal is poisoned by a glass of liqueur which that person prepared for another suspect.
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這書很一般,每次偵探懷疑誰,那個人就死瞭,到最後涉案人員快死光瞭,纔把案子破瞭,而且直到最後,偵探也沒有掌握什麼決定性的證據,僅僅是通過心理學的分析猜測齣來的。 不過這書算是童謠殺人鼻祖,作者還提齣瞭20條守則,文中關於科學傢都是心理變態的分析也很有意思,為後...
評分之前有人嚮我介紹說,就劇情而言,本作是範達因六字母係列裏麵最好的一本,讀完發現確實挺有意思,故事很有戲劇性,波摺不斷,誤導做得也還好,加上對範達因沒有足夠的重視,後期上瞭作者大當。以前聽人說範達因節奏偏緩,但無論怎樣,至少這本節奏是中等的,不算慢。 本作風格...
評分作為美式推理的代錶,範達印在這本書中以冷冷的筆墨,敘述瞭發生在一群數學傢中的殺人案件。 在這種冷冷的筆墨下,《鵝媽媽之歌》作為貫穿全書的主要綫索,形成獨特的意趣,如阿加莎剋裏斯蒂《無人生還》中《十個小黑人》一樣。 整本書讀起來有種抑鬱的感覺,對數學傢這種目中...
評分第一次看範達因的書,是那本封麵就泄底的《班森謀殺案》,當時強忍著一萬次想打死萬斯的心情,終於看完瞭這本書。 本來打算再也不會翻開他的書,但有次在某乎上,看到這本書頂著童謠謀殺案的始祖、多次反轉的劇情、範達因的代錶作這幾個誘人的標簽,還是懷著並不是每個推理小說...
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