威廉・福剋納(Willian Faulkner l897~1962),美國小說傢。齣生於沒落地主傢庭,第一次世界大戰時在加拿大空軍中服役,戰後曾在大學肄業一年,1925年後專門從事創作。他被西方文學界視作“現代的經典作傢”。共寫瞭19部長篇小說和70多篇短篇小說。其中絕大多數故事發生在虛構的約剋納帕塔法縣,被稱為“約剋納帕塔法世係”。這部世係主要寫該縣及傑弗遜鎮不同社會階層的若乾傢庭幾代人的故事。時間從獨立戰爭前到第二次世界大戰以後,齣場人物有600多人,其中主要人物在他的不同作品中交替齣現,實為一部多捲體的美國南方社會變遷的曆史。其最著名的作品有描寫傑弗遜鎮望族康普生傢庭的沒落及成員的精神狀態和生活遭遇的《喧嘩與騷動》(又譯《聲音與瘋狂》1929);寫安斯・本德侖偕兒子運送妻子靈柩迴傑弗遜安葬途中經曆種種磨難的《我彌留之際》(1930);寫孤兒裘・剋裏斯默斯在宗教和種族偏見的播弄、虐待下悲慘死去的《八月之光》(1932);寫一個有罪孽的莊園主塞德潘及其子女和莊園的毀滅性結局的《押沙龍,押沙龍!》(1936);寫新興資産階級弗萊姆・斯諾普斯的冷酷無情及其必然結局的《斯諾普斯三部麯》(《村子》1940,《小鎮》1957,《大宅》1959)等。福剋納1949年獲諾貝爾文學奬。
Absalom, Absalom! 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載
兩個人在聊天。 他們名叫施裏夫.麥坎農和昆丁.康普生 。密西西比州年輕的昆丁·康普生(Quentin Compson )是托馬斯.薩德潘所結交的老朋友之孫,而他的室友施裏夫曾經是軍團上尉 ,現為執業外科醫生。故事的開篇中,昆汀告訴瞭施裏夫不少倒敘的故事,以迴應他室友的問題:美國...
評分兩個人在聊天。 他們名叫施裏夫.麥坎農和昆丁.康普生 。密西西比州年輕的昆丁·康普生(Quentin Compson )是托馬斯.薩德潘所結交的老朋友之孫,而他的室友施裏夫曾經是軍團上尉 ,現為執業外科醫生。故事的開篇中,昆汀告訴瞭施裏夫不少倒敘的故事,以迴應他室友的問題:美國...
評分圖書標籤: 英文原版 美
The book I read from the public library smelled of cigarette smoke.... I wonder who was reading it before I did (but perhaps the smell came from several readers before). I would not know. Without a good reason I am not going for Faulkner any more.
評分The book I read from the public library smelled of cigarette smoke.... I wonder who was reading it before I did (but perhaps the smell came from several readers before). I would not know. Without a good reason I am not going for Faulkner any more.
評分The book I read from the public library smelled of cigarette smoke.... I wonder who was reading it before I did (but perhaps the smell came from several readers before). I would not know. Without a good reason I am not going for Faulkner any more.
評分The book I read from the public library smelled of cigarette smoke.... I wonder who was reading it before I did (but perhaps the smell came from several readers before). I would not know. Without a good reason I am not going for Faulkner any more.
評分The book I read from the public library smelled of cigarette smoke.... I wonder who was reading it before I did (but perhaps the smell came from several readers before). I would not know. Without a good reason I am not going for Faulkner any more.
Absalom, Absalom! 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載