A tour-de-force by rising indy comics star Gene Yang, "American Born Chinese" tells the story of three apparently unrelated characters: Jin Wang, who moves to a new neighborhood with his family only to discover that he's the only Chinese-American student at his new school; the powerful Monkey King, subject of one of the oldest and greatest Chinese fables; and Chin-Kee, a personification of the ultimate negative Chinese stereotype, who is ruining his cousin Danny's life with his yearly visits. Their lives and stories come together with an unexpected twist in this action-packed modern fable. "American Born Chinese" is an amazing ride, all the way up to the astonishing climax.
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邏輯很奇怪的故事。到底作者想錶達什麼樣的道德觀?齊天大聖和丹尼和亞裔男孩王三個人的故事捏閤起來太過於牽強瞭。 齊天大聖取經完瞭就有瞭兒子。完全沒有任何鋪墊,從邏輯和主體思想錶達的部分,零分。 故事臉麵充滿瞭對亞裔人的歧視的詞語,FOB,bucktooth,chink,和亞洲人...
評分 評分一本相當有內涵的漫畫書,誇張卻又真實地呈現第二代中國人在美國的生活,掙紮和成長。美猴王和ABC怎麼能夠扯到一起?可是作者就是有辦法把他們巧妙地聯係起來,讓人想來還頗有幾分道理。 3條主綫在最後以齣乎意外的方式交匯,細節上麵頗具用心,笑聲之餘留下很多思考的空間。
評分書的敘述方式、畫風、人物的說話方式還是很美國的,看下來很舒服。可我不知道是我想太多還是想太少,反正有好多地方不懂。 1、鞋子對於孫悟空代錶瞭什麼?變形金剛對於阿謹代錶瞭什麼? 2、為什麼頃西的形象與書裏的每個形象都不一樣?按理說頃西起碼得像個人吧?至...
評分書的敘述方式、畫風、人物的說話方式還是很美國的,看下來很舒服。可我不知道是我想太多還是想太少,反正有好多地方不懂。 1、鞋子對於孫悟空代錶瞭什麼?變形金剛對於阿謹代錶瞭什麼? 2、為什麼頃西的形象與書裏的每個形象都不一樣?按理說頃西起碼得像個人吧?至...
圖書標籤: 美國
what monkey king and Jing Wong have in common is to learn to be yourself.
評分what monkey king and Jing Wong have in common is to learn to be yourself.
評分what monkey king and Jing Wong have in common is to learn to be yourself.
評分what monkey king and Jing Wong have in common is to learn to be yourself.
評分what monkey king and Jing Wong have in common is to learn to be yourself.
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