勒卡雷一生得奖无数,包括1965年美国推理作家协会的爱伦坡奖,1964年的英国毛姆奖、James Tait Black纪念奖,1988年获颁英国犯罪推理作家协会(CWA)终身成就奖,即钻石匕首奖(另外在1963年与1977年两次获颁匕首奖),以及意大利Malaparte Prize等等。2005年,CWA更是将其最高荣誉“金匕首奖中之奖”授予勒卡雷。至今已出版20部作品,已有11部被改编为电影和电视剧。
Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
文/蔡宸亦,杜方舒 约翰·勒卡雷无疑是间谍小说第一人。也许,像陀思妥耶夫斯基的《卡拉马佐夫兄弟》和《罪与罚》并未被归入犯罪推理小说一样,勒卡雷应当算是描写间谍题材的经典小说家才对。 勒卡雷1963 年以第三本著作《柏林谍影》一举成名,知名小说家格雷厄姆·...
评分我从小喜欢看小说,也看过很多小说。在从前学校的氛围里,读小说是不务正业的表现之一。它与打台球、玩游戏等堕落行径的区别仅仅在于,看小说不用专门逃出学校。 那时候,看金庸古龙固然不光彩,就是《红楼梦》、《复活》、《巴黎圣母院》之类的所谓世界名著,我也要把它当成...
评分 评分忍受着我不太喜欢的翻译风格和译林恶俗之极的封面,终于在南京回上海的火车上看完这本在手边放了好几年的书。 这本书在国外,特别是英国应该非常出名,BBC 70年代拍的同名电视剧也同等出色,可是,这本小说在国内好像却没有太多人关注,即使去年奥斯卡上不朽的园丁颇出风头,...
评分原型: 本书海顿的原型毫无疑问是哈罗德·金·菲尔比,他是一名英国双面諜,曾经出卖许多英国特务給KGB,勒卡雷也是其中的一员。几年后,勒卡雷开始分析费尔比的弱点以及诈欺手段,作为日后小说《锅匠 裁缝 士兵 间谍》当中,情报员乔治·史迈利 (George Smiley)最想捉拿的目标...
A #1 New York Times Best-Seller
This is the first book of John le Carre's 'Karla trilogy' and features British master spy George Smiley. Somewhere at the very highest levels of British Intelligence there stands a double agent, a 'mole,' implanted deep in its fabric, perhaps decades ago, by Moscow Centre. He can only be one of five men--brilliant, complicated men, proven in action--who have worked closely together through the years, respecting and depending on each other, despite the central imperative of their profession to trust no one. Of these five, it is George Smiley, perhaps the most brilliant and complicated of them all, who is tapped to dig out the mole and destroy him. And so Smiley embarks on his blind night walk, retracing path after path into his own past--its aliases, covers, sleights of hand--burrowing into the dust of unresolved episodes. John le Carre's classic novels deftly navigate readers through the intricate shadow worlds of international espionage with unsurpassed skill and knowledge and have earned him--and his hero, British Secret Service agent George Smiley--unprecedented worldwide acclaim.
Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书