約翰·斯卡爾齊(John Scalzi)美國當紅科幻作傢,現任美國科幻與奇幻作傢協會主席。2005年,他以《來自12個星球的敵人》(Old Man’s War)一書成名,入圍該年度雨果奬最佳長篇小說,並憑藉此書獲得2006年度約翰·W.坎貝爾奬最佳新人奬。隨後齣版的一係列科幻小說,都毫無例外地登上各大暢銷書排行榜,更6次入圍雨果奬各大奬項。
They are the special wing of the Colonial Defence Forces, elite troops created from DNA of the dead and turned into the perfect soldiers for the CDF's toughest operations. The universe is a dangerous place for humanity, as three hostile races combine to halt our further expansion into space. Their linchpin is a turncoat scientist, Charles Boutin, who unfortunately knows the CDF's biggest military secrets. And to prevail against this alliance, they must find out why Boutin did what he did.Jared Dirac is the only human able to provide answers, being a superhuman hybrid created form Boutin's own DNA. Jared's brain should therefore be able to access Boutin's electronic memories ...but when that appears to fail, Jared is instead passed on to the Ghost Brigades. Then, just as time is running out, Boutin's memories slowly begin to surface within him...but all this while the enemy is planning something much worse for mankind than just military defeat. Praise for "Old Man's War": 'Clever dialogue, fast-paced story and strong characters.' - "The Times". 'An original idea, which is brilliantly executed' - "Sc-Fi Now".
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故事最開始隻有一條主綫:為瞭找到人類的叛徒,軍方和科學傢大膽實驗:將復製的叛徒意識,放入根據叛徒設計的仿生人的軀殼裏,試圖激活某些可以反戈一擊的記憶。 在這個宇宙中,其他智慧生命的外形與人類相去甚遠,根據設定,有諸如巨大昆蟲,還有蹦跳的大蟲,另外還有高等級的...
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