Dr. Richard Paul is founder of the Foundation for Critical Thinking and director of research and professional development at the Center for Critical Thinking. He is an internationally recognized authority on critical thinking, with nine books and more than 200 articles on the subject. His views on critical thinking have been canvassed in the New York Times, Education Week, The Chronicle of Higher Education, American Teacher, Reader’s Digest, Educational Leadership, Newsweek, and U.S. News & World Repor t.
Dr. Linda Elder is an educational psychologist, executive director of the Center for Critical Thinking, and president of the Foundation for Critical Thinking. She is highly published and has a special interest in the relationship between cognition and effect, or thought and emotion. She has developed an original theory of the stages of critical thinking development. She is highly sought after as a speaker, and is a recognized leader in critical thinking.
The works of Linda Elder and Richard Paul have been translated into many languages including Spanish, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Chinese, Turkish, Greek, Thai, and Korean. The growing demand for translations into increasing numbers of languages testifies to the emerging international recognition of the importance of critical thinking in human life. And it is a testament to the contributions of Paul and Elder to the growing field of critical thinking studies.
Use better thinking to empower yourself, discover opportunities, avoid disastrous mistakes, build wealth, and achieve your biggest goals! This is your complete, up-to-the-minute blueprint for assessing and improving the way you think about everything – from business decisions to personal relationships. Drs. Richard W. Paul and Linda Elder, of the Center for Critical Thinking, offer specific guidance for making more intelligent decisions, and overcoming the irrationalities and "sociocentric" limits we all face. Discover which of the "six stages" of thinking you’re in and learn how to think with clarity, relevance, logic, accuracy, depth, significance, precision, breadth, and fairness. Master strategic thinking skills you can use everywhere and learn how to critically assess what experts tell you. Packed with new examples and exercises, this guide won’t just help you think more effectively: it will help you use those skills to empower yourself, discover new opportunities, avoid disastrous mistakes, and grow your wealth. Above all, it will help you gain the confidence and clarity you need to pursue and achieve your most important goals in life – whatever they are!
Critical Thinking, Tools for Taking Charge of Your Learning and Your Life, Grantham University Custo 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載
我們要學著發現自己思考中的錯誤,同時也要發現彆人思考中的錯誤和優勢,總之我們要精通的是如何讓對手的思考看上去很拙劣。 有一種人,他們稱為詭辯性人,他們能無視思考中存在的明顯的問題,而是通過一些低級的巧辯或者辯論技能扭麯事實或者隻抓住對自己有利益...
評分這是我在豆瓣的第一次評論,完全是感從心發! 一直認為思考是人之所以為人最重要的特徵之一,而清晰、有效的思考能力也是人最基本的能力之一。這麼多年我都瞭不少關於思維方麵的書,得波諾、東尼伯贊等等的書,唯有這本給我啓發最大,相比於其他而言,這本是最基礎、最核心的。...
評分 評分我仔細閱讀瞭這本書的內容,覺得十分有價值。值得中國傢長、老師、孩子好好研究研究。用的概括一下,有以下幾個方麵: 8個思維元素 9個思維標準 7個思維特質 思維的3個維度 思考者的3個水平 3個問題類型 3種類型的思考者 大腦的3個基本機製 自我中心思維中心的2個基本機製 自我...
評分不喜勿噴 不喜勿噴 不喜勿噴 。 這本書不是我看的第一本關於思維方麵的書,到目前為止我已經看過瞭4本評分都非常不錯的書。如果這是你第一本關於思維方麵的書,我相信你看完會拍手叫好,甚至會有什麼三觀盡毀之類的感覺。 作為第五本書,一開始我的期待也是很高的,...
圖書標籤: 批判性思維 科普 方法論 思考 思維 thinking
Critical Thinking, Tools for Taking Charge of Your Learning and Your Life, Grantham University Custo 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載