华裔美国女作家伍慧明(Fae Myenne Ng)出生于美国旧金山唐人街,其父母都是华人移民。她的处女座《骨》(Bone)畅销全美,得到评论界的广泛好评,获得过多种奖项,并入选1994年福克纳笔会决选书单。她的短篇小说曾入选多部作品集.
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In this profoundly moving novel, Fae Myenne Ng takes readers into the hidden heart of San Francisco's Chinatown, to a world of family secrets, hidden shames, and the lost bones of a "paper father." It is a world in which two generations of the Leong family live in an uneasy tension as they try to fathom the source of the middle daughter Ona's sorrow. Fae Myenne Ng's portraits of the everyday heroism of the Leongs--who inflict deep hurt on each other in their struggles to survive, yet sustain one another with loyalty and love--have made "Bone" one of the most critically acclaimed novels of recent years and immediately a classic of contemporary American life.
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