The History of the Peloponnesian War , by Thucydides , is part of the Barnes & Noble Classics series, which offers quality editions at affordable prices to the student and the general reader, including new scholarship, thoughtful design, and pages of carefully crafted extras. Here are some of the remarkable features of Barnes & Noble Classics :
All editions are beautifully designed and are printed to superior specifications; some include illustrations of historical interest. Barnes & Noble Classics pulls together a constellation of influences—biographical, historical, and literary—to enrich each reader's understanding of these enduring works.
A monumental work unsurpassed for its brilliant description, accuracy, and penetrating insights, Thucydides ’ History of the Peloponnesian War is a spectacular eyewitness report of the war between Greece’s two most powerful city-states, Athens and Sparta, as it unfolded during the fifth century B.C.
The first recorded political and moral analysis of a nation’s war policies, the History is a tragic story of virtue, ambition, and failed deterrence. All aspects of the conflict—from the battlefield strategies and the political landscape to the peoples’ thoughts and feelings as the long war dragged on—are presented in startlingly vivid detail.
From the treachery of Alcibiades and the disastrous invasion of Sicily to the plague that devastated Athens and Pericles’ famous funeral oration, Thucydides has written more than a mere account of war. His History is nothing less than a classic Greek drama about the rise and fall of Athens. More than two thousand years have passed since the History was written, but its impact on modern politics, military strategy, and foreign relations has been timeless.
Donald Lateiner teaches Greek, Latin, Ancient History and Comparative Folklore in the Humanities-Classics department at ohio Wesleyan University. His scholarship focuses on Homer and Herodotus, and he has published a book on each. He also researches nonverbal behaviors in ancient literature.
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看到第七捲。西西裏遠徵。傾盡整個帝國力量的遠徵軍全軍覆滅。 撤退的時候,描寫跟著軍隊被撤走的士兵看到被遺棄的活人,“全軍上下淚水漣漣”。我不禁也是泫然欲泣瞭。——看曆史的時候,我總是難以像平常那樣産生共情的,畢竟兩韆多年前的事件,如果沒有修昔底德或者其他史傢...
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評分其實拿這麼一本嚴肅的書耍流氓真的不是我的本意……但是修昔底德實在是太給大傢麵子瞭。 OK,基佬和女流氓們,既然你們已經來瞭,請翻開《伯羅奔尼撒戰爭史》下本的第517頁,也就是第六捲的第五章,從最後一段,也就是露著小雞雞的哈摩狄阿斯和阿裏斯托齋吞的那副圖片左下角開...
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