From the author of the New York Times bestseller Slumdog Millionaire comes a richly textured social thriller.
Seven years ago, Vivek Vicky” Rai, the playboy son of the home minister of Uttar Pradesh, murdered bartender Ruby Gill at a trendy restaurant in New Delhi, simply because she refused to serve him a drink. Now Vicky Rai has been killed at the party he was throwing to celebrate his acquittal. The police arrest six guests with guns in their possession: a corrupt bureaucrat who claims to have become Mahatma Gandhi; an American tourist infatuated with an Indian actress; a Stone Age tribesman on a quest; a Bollywood sex symbol with a guilty secret; a mobile-phone thief who dreams big; and an ambitious politician prepared to stoop low.
Swarup unravels the lives and motives of the six suspects,offering both a riveting page-turner and an insightful look into the heart of contemporary India.
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很贊的一本推理小說,結局起碼有一點大傢各得其所的韻味。隻是對於書中一些細節還不是很明白,懇請路過的高手們指點迷津。 1,到底是誰是拉裏佩吉的筆友?難道是莎布南的妹妹?她用照片冒充姐姐?依據? 2,拉裏佩吉找的那個私傢偵探查到的是莎布南妹妹的住所嗎?他怎麼知道妹...
評分其實這個真的不是懸疑小說,而是。。。。。紀實小說!真相,就是這麼殘酷。 小說的情節環環緊扣,幾個主人公的人生交錯發展,不同背景反應印度社會不同的黑暗麵,有時候看得我都牙齒咬緊瞭,恨不得和壞人直接PK。這樣的小說,如果是中國作傢寫的,估計是齣版不瞭的...
評分很贊的一本推理小說,結局起碼有一點大傢各得其所的韻味。隻是對於書中一些細節還不是很明白,懇請路過的高手們指點迷津。 1,到底是誰是拉裏佩吉的筆友?難道是莎布南的妹妹?她用照片冒充姐姐?依據? 2,拉裏佩吉找的那個私傢偵探查到的是莎布南妹妹的住所嗎?他怎麼知道妹...
評分很贊的一本推理小說,結局起碼有一點大傢各得其所的韻味。隻是對於書中一些細節還不是很明白,懇請路過的高手們指點迷津。 1,到底是誰是拉裏佩吉的筆友?難道是莎布南的妹妹?她用照片冒充姐姐?依據? 2,拉裏佩吉找的那個私傢偵探查到的是莎布南妹妹的住所嗎?他怎麼知道妹...
評分IT革命導緻資訊過度膨脹,帶來的一個後果是:無論你樂不樂意,都再沒法閉上眼睛。無論你樂不樂意,必然會接受大量信息。無論你樂不樂意,就會瞭解其實未必想要知道的事情——有時是事實。 所以我在使用“恒河沙數”這個詞時會皺起眉頭,想到河中漂浮的、肚皮鼓脹的屍首。 小時...
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