吉恩·海登(Cene C.Hayden),《纽约时报》《哈佛商业评论》等杂志的专栏作家。跨足新媒体和营销领域,是“海登传讯”的合伙人,曾走遍全球,访问各行各业、形形色色的成功者,独创了改变1500万上班族的“执行力训练计划”,常年受邀在全球500强企业演讲,被誉为“上班族的灵魂导师”。
The Follow-Through Factor 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书
每个人都有梦想,但并不是每个人都在朝着梦想前进! 有没有这种时候,明明制定好了计划,可是这个计划在实施的时候却怎么做也做不就好。明明想安安静静的看本书的,可是一会儿看会手机,一会儿搞点其他的,总之就是静不下心来做哪些已经计划好了的东西!计划赶不上变化...
评分先给大家讲个故事。 美国一位残疾退伍军人,因负伤加上年龄大的原因,找工作变得十分困难。一次偶然机会,他联系上了一家木材公司的副总裁,副总裁和他说:“我这周末要出去办一点事情,我妹妹在犹他州结婚,我要去参加她的婚礼。麻烦你帮我买一件礼物。这个礼物是在一个礼品店...
评分文:薇薇爱阅读 你有没有遇到过这样的事情。 A: 我想去******** B: 还是算了吧, 这根本不切实际啊。 然后没有然后了。 开始计划的好好的一件事情,就此就搁置下来了。 如何让自己的摆脱事情执行不下去的局面呢? 你有没有这样的情况? 觉得一定要买什么才可以做什么。 ...
评分文:薇薇爱阅读 你有没有遇到过这样的事情。 A: 我想去******** B: 还是算了吧, 这根本不切实际啊。 然后没有然后了。 开始计划的好好的一件事情,就此就搁置下来了。 如何让自己的摆脱事情执行不下去的局面呢? 你有没有这样的情况? 觉得一定要买什么才可以做什么。 ...
评分训练执行力 “实践出真知”“实践是检验真理的唯一标准”,中国古有言“耳闻之不如目见之,目见之不如足践之”,实践在某种程度上就是执行,无论是为学为政,还是从商经营企业和管理,一个具有执行力和在实践中探索和学习的人,才能发现问题,找到解决问...
图书标签: 英语
A practical guide to achieving your goals - from starting a business to running a marathon - despite anything and everything life throws at you.
We all have an idea or project that we'd like to pursue, and countless reasons why we can't: it may be that it's too expensive, or we lack the time, confidence, or skills. Inevitably, there are obstacles that get between us and our aspirations, but those who achieve their goals know that strategies exist for getting past these barriers.
First as a journalist and then as a certified life and career coach, Gene C. Hayden interviewed achievers from all walks of life - artists, executives, professionals, small business owners - who tackled insecurities and obstacles on the road to success. Those consulted didn't have any special advantages to ease their way, but they did have the follow-through factor , a practical mindset that drives action towards a goal, regardless of circumstance. And most importantly, Gene tells us that this is something anyone can learn. With her vast experience, realistic advice, and encouraging voice, Gene is the perfect guide for those who are eager to achieve their ambitions.
The Follow-Through Factor 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书